Metadiscussion about Nechtronica

Can you please keep your weird fetish stuff off of the forum. especially when it pertains to sexualised children…

Of all the things to get bent out of shape about, you do remember that this is a game that contains literal gimp suits and bondage gear.

On top of canabalism and murder hobo traits.

And hard drugs.


Yes. And? This mod refers explicitly to children. that isn’t acceptable by any reasonable person as per the community guidelines.

  • Be civil. Don’t post anything that a reasonable person would consider offensive, abusive, or hate speech.
  • Keep it clean. Don’t post anything obscene or sexually explicit.

in realtion to the below clearly refering sexualising children, zombie or not:

zombie girls from the game called dolls

gothic lolita dress

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it refers to a style of clothing.

And that style of clothing literally refers to ‘a sexually precocious young girl’ in it’s very name and is being used in the context of children (albeit zombie ones) evocative of some kind of sexual thing… I’ve flagged this for mods to deal with, i’m not going to argue about something that very very clearly isn’t acceptable to a reasonable person.

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I consider myself reasonable and I’m not offended by pixaled clothing styles used by adult survivors regardless of the origin of the name.


Strawman. never mentioned pixels. if you want to have proper conversations act like a grown up.

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You don’t have to mention it, I can see the picture above.

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Although I am not exactly one for weeby stuff, even I know that gothic lolita is an anime thing that just refers to a type of fashion.
I don’t see anything here that specifically sexualises children, it’s just your typical anime shit, based on this game apparently

Nothing meaningfully bad here, just that skirting-the-edge-of-the-line-of-western-sensibilities that Japan does.

Although I don’t see the appeal of this mod at all, I don’t think it’s intended the way you saw it, faefux.


sigh How it’s intended is largely irelevant. what is relevant is what a reasonable person would consider offensive or sexually explicit.

Consider that most regular reasonable people arn’t super into anime to realize that the hyper-sexualisation of children is normal and acceptable in that community.

Not sure why we are discussing this, just want the mods to deal with it. this kind of thing alienates everyone not part of a very small and specific crowd.

To really spell it out:

  • Girl: a female child.
  • Doll: a small model of a human figure, typically one of a baby or girl, used as a child’s toy. (read, presenting them as objects/toys.)
  • Lolita: a sexually precocious young girl.

These are the commonly accepted definitions (with the exception of my clarification on doll). It is both sexualising children and highly misogynistic towards young female children and this is in my view how your average, reasonable person would see it.


Like bondage gear? or hardcore drugs? or canabalism? or murder hoboing?
Lots of things are offensive to different people, this isn’t a mod I’ll ever use but I’m certainly not offended by the use of a name convention used for a style of clothing regardless of it origin.

It’s offensive to most people even though it’s a mainline mod and you are the only person to complain about it to date?


If you don’t understand the difference between bondage gear and heavy sexual insinuations in relation to children then perhaps you should just stop. you’re being very creepy and dishonest in attempting to create this equivalence.

Although the origin of the fashion is unclear, it is likely that the movement started at the end of the 1960s with the fashion style and subculture Natural Kei, which romanticized the Victorian Period.[27] At the end of the 1970s, this resulted in a new movement known as Otome-kei , which slightly influenced Lolita fashion since Otome means maiden and maiden style looks like a lesser elaborated Lolita style.

Doesn’t say anything 'bout weird stuff


On it’s own i would take your point but when you are then adding that clothing explicitly to ‘girls’ who you call ‘dolls’ you are being willfully ignorant in pretending there is something not up there.

From what I understand “doll” is a common 50’s slang for woman so…

Just like gal etc etc

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If you had ever taken more then a cursory glance at the whole bondage scene and the things connected with it you would understand my point, it’s rife with unbalanced, abusive and frankly unhealthy relationships.

I find it far more disturbing then a clothing style REGARDLESS of what that style is called.

Doll ALSO has a different meaning in japanese culture:

Look. this really isn’t that hard to grasp. it’s not appropriate to sexualise children. I’ve said this a ton of times and you can handwave to justify paedophilic fetishes all you want but let’s not pretend this is acceptable to normal person on the street, okay?

read the Community Standards. ffs.

Don’t you dare try and insinuate something about me.


Knew it would eventually end up descending to that.