Major .9 features?

What are the major .9 features you are planning? its hard to tell from commits and there are side conversations.

I couldn’t tell you what the official MOTD is going to say, but I know that it has tons of bugfixes. Like 175+ different bugs. Rivet has been working his butt off making new content too, so expect lots of new items, recipes, and vehicles.

Let’s hope we get some more caseless ammunition weapons!

Well theres a 8x40mm caseless LMG in, and vehicle sizes are unlimited now, so you can make house sized vehicles of DOOM!

Nickboom leaps in “RIVET IS A WOMAN” Nickboom leaps out.

World factory is a decently big one, I think we are feature frozen though so only bug fixes should be getting in from here until release. Shortly after release the Mod Manager should be integrated.

Well it’s kinda a heavy SMG with a larger clip right now XD But yeah, ALREADY MAKING HOUSE SIZED VEHICLES OF DOOM.

Though it is nice being able to make ammo from scratch for the weapon XD

so if i download todays incremental i should have .9s new features? just needs bug fixes?

so mod factor, more ammo, i think you guys have spawn changes? what else. just curious.

In addition to what others have said, new things include more monster, “vermin” monster class, new pulping/butchering balance.

Are you keeping the Z-levels on the hush-hush or…?
I mean, once they’re in the 50% ++ phases, Necklace of the Eye looks to me as a way to enhance the game past Curses. FIFE project is on indefinite hiatus, or I’ve been wronged…

are they doing noteye development?

No, I meant if the Z-levels are past the 5-beta feature development. I can see now it can be misinterpreted.

World factory is in, but the mod manager is not. Also yes, downloading the experimental now should be fairly similar to .9, with the main difference being bug fixes.

LOADS of items, seriously, so many items. it’s nuts.
Major vehicle recombobulation, which fixed up several longstanding vehicle issues, and makes them IMO look better (more like little boxes now)
You should be able to barricade buildings a bit and actually keep out small numbers of zombies now, but large numbers of zombies can pile on and smash through the doors.
Furniture is draggable using the same command as draggable vehicles.
Save compatability with 0.8
Lots of new natural animals, including vermin (tiny stuff like mice and insects scurrying around).
Basements multiplied (half of all houses now have basements), now with a chance of zombies (1/5 I think)

That’s off the top of my head, there are literally thousands of changes. I’ll be catching up the changelog soon I think.

[sup][sub][sup]For those of you who think I’m trying to troll… I’m not. I am super happy about save compatibility.[/sup][/sub][/sup]

The new vermin system is crazy. I decided to setup base next to a river. A few mosquito around, not giant so I didn’t care. Next day there are a bit more, and bull frogs. Cool. The frogs kill the mosquito. Next day just about every single tile has either a frog or a mosquito in it. My frame rate tanked.

The new vermin system is crazy. I decided to setup base next to a river. A few mosquito around, not giant so I didn’t care. Next day there are a bit more, and bull frogs. Cool. The frogs kill the mosquito. Next day just about every single tile has either a frog or a mosquito in it. My frame rate tanked.[/quote] he did say lots :stuck_out_tongue:

New changelog is in, and can either be viewed by downloading the current experimental or by looking here


Well that should be interesting to play with.
Fun times ahead.

If anyone knows of a feature or bugfix that should be highlighted in the changelog that I missed, feel fee to post about it or PR an addition to the changelog.