Magiclysm: A Total Fantasy Overhaul

Has anyone seen a used bookstore? The second-hand bookstore will have a room full of magic books and some humanoid monsters. Then there was a magic circle on the ground. Does anyone know what the magic circle is?

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here it goes the continuation of my adventure on the raid of a black dragon lair.

adventure :D

After clearing the first z-1 level of it, for what it seems you cant reach the room with the dragons and wyrms by normal means only way i could think of was to dig with a my way of it with the help of the mask of insight from the arcana mod, now, you would really need it if you want to have a relative “easy” time to reach the treasure rooms (mine had a cutlass+2, a sledge hammer+2, and a bunch of magic scrolls) so you know where to dig, since the “normal” way is to reach the bottom that is full of deep water and crocodiles, then go upwards from each slope and see where it goes.

I thought the lizard folk (warrior melee, and hunter ranged) and black puddings were going to be just mobs, like zombies in a lab, how wrong i was…, those headshots, those explosion, on the thrill of it all since my method of killing is to lure go down, go up and kill the ones that follow me, got my backpack ripped and didnt have the necessary items when i need them ºnº, had to rest from low torso and head hp to give it a go again


Arcana mod, not necessary but the tools helps a lot, more specifically the mask of insight and summoning items
Clearing the z-levels, pretty difficult since they have fog and deep water, giving a hard time to ranged characters, and even harder to melee ones.
Be lucky and and find the slope that goes all the way down to the underwater tunnels, and kill all the crocodiles.

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I remember someone wondering what demon chitin could be used for, yet I fail to find it. I have created a new set of armor that may be constructed from this substance, if anyone wants it. (Download link)

i accept PRs. please look into making a PR and we can see about having it in mainline

Now, from curiosity, what exactly is a “pull request”?

‘Pull Request’ is a form that is filled out on CDDA’s Github page to submit a change/correction/addition to the game.


vorm’s pretty close to on the money there, here is the new contributor’s guide with details.
You can also jump on the dev discord for additional help.

Absolute neato. Maybe a bit too good, what with the 100% full-body coverage, but cool to have it.

I have updated the modification to include a new wand, and renamed as “Miscellaneous Magiclysm Expansions”.
(Download Link)

Where could I create a new “pull request” at?

magiclysm doesn’t have its own repo, it just lives on the main repo. i would be happy to help you through some things via discord

Okay, and thank you.

You know what would be cool? Mana driven cars, or better yet a motorcycle made of flames as a kelvinist spell.
I’m sorry if this isn’t the place to make suggestions, but it would be cool to have a engine that uses Mana as fuel.

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In fact, that is a wonderful idea. That might require Technomancy, but a wonderful idea.
In fact, I shall create it.
This will be included in the next Miscellaneous Magiclysm Expansions update


The latest version of Miscellaneous Magiclysm Expansions has been released!
Check the comments under the “commit” section, following the earlier download link, for the latest updates.

Discussions for “Miscellaneous Magiclysm Expansions shall move to its own thread, in the " Lab” section.

Oh! The discussions link! Miscellaneous Magiclysm Expansions

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Suggestions for Magiclysm based on the current state of the mod, things that can be changed/improved to make it more engaging and fun.

Class advancement being entirely dependent upon luck in finding your classes scrolls is not fun or remotely doable, 9/10 of my runs I end up with a handful of mismatched spells from all different classes. Perhaps on top of randomized spell scrolls for certain powerful spells there should be skills added for each “class” (stormshaper, animist, etc), and upon leveling that class through the use of their spells you can access to new spells from that class, such as learning new recipes from leveling crafting skills.

Another possible solution would be the addition of more magical buildings with spellbooks. The easiest thing that I’ve thought of so far is adding wizards towers to spawn in forests. Also some examples of buildings that could be added are

Magical Colleges - Colleges hidden out in the wilderness full of libraries of magic books, maybe it has some undead wizards still roaming the halls.
Magical Black Market - Secret underground locations that can be found behind hidden walls in the basements of some houses, or even sewers. Might have a higher chance to contain “forbidden” magic, such as very powerful spells and animist spells.

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Yes, those are things i want. Know anyone interested and capable of building such maps?
i don’t really have interest in doing skill stuff until there are more maps

I might try my hand at virtual cartography.

And therein lies the problem, lmao. Plenty of people (including myself) have the interest but lack the capability.

tbh i’d be willing to meet some people halfway with maps i want them so bad. i’ve been trying to do an excel document as a tool to help me visualize a map, but i ran out of focus very quickly, as my interest and talents lie more in making things work than filling out a design space with content