Latest Experimental Build (August 29) Possible Infighting/Ainimal Bug

Hi guys,

have just been playing with the experimental build that was the last one to be released on the 29th of August.

However, I think there might be something up with the monster infighting system. Firstly, I saw a bear and, nearby it, a wolf. Both were ‘ignoring’ me, but then suddenly they started ‘tracking’. So I watched as the wolf moved towards the bear’s position, at which point they both went ‘hostile’. However, from that point on, they just stood there, next to each other. There were no reports in the log about them trying to hit one another, though I guess they had both agroed because of the other one being there. I’m not sure if this is meant to happen, or if it is a bug within the infighting system.

Secondly, there was an NPC who asked me to help him kill a creature that was very dangerous. As I was walking away from him, a Jabberwock came out of the forest just behind us, and so I started running away - I only had a heavy stick for a weapon! The NPC had a metal spear - with which he totally obliterated the Jabberwock. Once I saw that he was able to handle himself, I stopped to watch, as he killed it in about 7 or 8 hits. It only tried to ‘swing a claw’ at him 3 times; failing in every attempt. I’m pretty sure the guy should have been torn apart though. Also, once he had killed the Jabberwock, I immediately went and butchered the corpse; only to notice that there was then an annoying red marker stuck on my map; trying to show me where the monster was, even though the NPC had already totally owned it.

I’m not sure if something weird was going on, as I seemed to fight other monsters normally. But those couple of incidents did catch my attention, so I thought I would report them here… :slight_smile:

I have remembered some further examples to add to the list above, which happened during that same game.

I’m not sure if it has anything to do with the new zombie movement code that Kevin has recently added but, either way, animals are no longer able to hit anything.

The 1st of these ‘extra’ instances involved what I have fondly named the ‘Elastic Cougar’. In my game, I was trying to reach a second shelter, that I had spotted on the map from where I spawned in. Having agroed me, the cougar chased me for quite some time, but was unable to hit me. While it was doing this, I casually moved through a forest, looking for a heavy stick. Eventually, I reached the other shelter, and managed to get inside and close the door, without the cougar getting in. The uber-ninja NPC that I mentioned in my previous post also owned a cougar, before his encounter with the Jabberwock. He killed the cougar in 3 hits and, of course, it didn’t get 1 hit in on him.

At one point, I also had an unwanted meeting with a moose and, from experience, I know just how bad-ass they can be in a fight. Except that this particular individual was unable to hit me, despite cornering me in a forest against a row of impassable trees. So I battered it with my hockey stick and went on my way.

The third and final example involved 2 tough zombies, who were ganging up on a giant crayfish. In desperate need of a drink, I was heading to a gas station in a swamp and, while sticking to the road, I watched the battle unfold before me. There was ABSOLUTELY no mention of the giant crayfish evening trying to hit back, as the 2 tough zombies did their work. Following this, they then murdered a gracken, before I killed them both with my hockey stick.

So, in short, I think something may have been magically ninjad from the code-base.

I hope someone can find out what the problem is and fix it… :slight_smile:

I think piercing damage can slow enemies. Your uber-ninja NPC was using a piercing weapon with the quick strike ability, which probably allowed him to lock the jabberwock over and over again.
As for the remaining red marker, it was probably showing the NPC eager to give you a reward for not helping him fight the beast :slight_smile:
For the rest I don’t know.

Now that you mention it, the Jabberwock was marked as ‘stunned’ when I moved the cursor over it, so that would explain what was happening.

With regard to the red X, the NPC had already moved off to the north, and was no longer anywhere near the spot, so I’m not sure on that one. I guess I should have tried catching up with him. :slight_smile:

I’m surprised no one else has noticed the ‘animals not being able to hit anyone’ thing yet…

I am having the same problem with animals and monsters not attacking. I am currently doing a big group hug with a mi-go, gracken, and numerous ants and nobody is attacking anybody. Zeds still want to eat me at least. Downloaded 3633 on aug 29th.

Do they agro, and then not actually hit you? In my game, animals (including nether ones) just sat next to each other, but nothing about them attacking other zeds/creatures was reported in the message log…

Downloaded the latest and the problem seems to have been resolved. Moose are a proper threat once again.

Awesome! Even though I hate coming across one in the middle of a forest, I still love the excitement of it… :slight_smile:

Edit - Going to jump in game now and have some fun, being murdered by mooses… :smiley:

I’m still not sure if the system is working 100%. Yesterday, I had an encounter with a group of triffids and a vine beast. While I could lure the triffids into a minefield to kill them, the vine beast didn’t come after me, even though it was ‘hostile’. Also, the triffid queen didn’t attack me, but this might have been because she was too busy planting a forest… :slight_smile:

Should vine beasts attack on sight, or what?