Landmines a tad too heavy?

13KG is a bit heavy…Especially for an anti-personnel landmine.

Something like that? Even the WW2 bouncing betties were like 4KG

…Suddenly I want to see anti-vehicle mines that spawn on roads only…

When these get added I’m sending you hate mail after my vehicle gets blown up worse than it already does by landmines.

When these get added I’m sending you hate mail after my vehicle gets blown up worse than it already does by landmines.[/quote]

Well in theory the Anti-Personnel mines would only do minimal damage to a vehicle (because those are mostly shrapnel) that said Anti-Vehicle mines (or more accurately anti-tank) would be triggered magnetically, by weight, and other things. Which means it’s entirely possible that a player would step on the anti-vehicle mine, and have it not go off. Or a motorcycle run over it, and have it not go off.

The RMCC however would probably set off anti-vehicle mines in the next state over. …So pack light and use plastic.

Reminds me I need to add hunting landmines back in.

Hunting landmines? I haven’t heard of these but a quick goggle search turns out rats hunting landmines so…

I assume its like birdshot for a shotgun, instead of a huge damaging explosion it shoots out tiny pellets or bbs to kill without destroying small animals.

I’ve always thought they were too heavy, but kinda thought that it was an artificial trade off for how useful they can be. Halving the weight definitely makes sense though.