Just can't get a break! ( Buggy lava cave in a basement?! )

Jumped on my survivor on day 23 ( 2/3 = .666, maybe? )
I have been surviving on the edge of town for the past 15 days in my car that ran out of batteries with all my gear in it. Go into a already explored part of town looking for med kits, and I find stairs leading to a basement. There is a steep drop off, So I grab my long rope and head down and… GOD DAMN IT!!! Really!? Really?!
Jump right into a sea of lava, I mean all I see is lava everywhere. Their was also a snake swimming in it for only 1 turn then it exploded. ( made me think of the lava snake in dwarf fortress )
So my best living survivor died from jumping into a sea of lava under a house. What are the odds of that happening?! Is this rare? or is this just some wierd world genn thing? Anyone?!

*Also after I died the game just froze in fullscreen mode and I had to alt ctrl delete it out. which made my screen res all screewed up for a bit.

HAHAHA I guess sense it crashed it didn’t save so it just reverted to my previous save point. Thank granade!

Important lesson here people, never climb down stairways that end halfway down unless it’s a lab (and you’re prepared to fight everything you’ll find in that room you just dropped into).

And I’ve found lava rifts running through survival shelter basements. I’ve found them running a corner of the starting shelter itself. I’ve driven over them at high speed because WHY THE FUCK IS THERE LAVA IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD.

It’s world gen, and the whole world is now the zone. Such is life in the zone.

[quote=“TheWumpus, post:2, topic:8069”]Important lesson here people, never climb down stairways that end halfway down unless it’s a lab (and you’re prepared to fight everything you’ll find in that room you just dropped into).

And I’ve found lava rifts running through survival shelter basements. I’ve found them running a corner of the starting shelter itself. I’ve driven over them at high speed because WHY THE FUCK IS THERE LAVA IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD.

It’s world gen, and the whole world is now the zone. Such is life in the zone.[/quote]

So this is supposed to happen? There’s no way to look down the stairs into the burning hellfire below and turn around, or does your character see it but think “meh yole”?



But who builds a town above a sea of lava!!!
I think you should be able to hit X and peek down like you do around corners, seems realistic. Not to mention I think the house would be on fire.

The lava was part of the cataclysm… or something.

…or something.

I would take it as an awesome feature.

Speaking of lava, we totally need magma sea if we dig deep enough. And use it to power stuff.

Agreed completely.

constructing geothermal power plant is realy hard

Just make a cata dda dwarf fortress mod with automated npc’s you give orders too, that would be cool!

100 cataclysm NPCs with needs and emotions.
Yeah, nah I’d rather have two more cataclysms.