Is there a way to disable new capacity system? Carrying planks 1 by 1 is really annoying

Is there a way to disable new capacity system? Carrying planks 1 by 1 is really annoying

A workaround for that would be to drag the stack you want to move, since you can drag stacks of items between z-levels, now. It takes more time than carrying them, but it works.

In agreement that it’s absurd to not be able to carry a stack of planks in my arms, or sticking half-out of a duffel bag, but such is the way of experimental systems.

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Thank you, I have considered that, but that action still eats a lot of time. I guess the only choice is to wait until a fix as always with unstable features

Could make a simple mod to do that.

I am sorry is there a way to install this in my game? I am not very good with github and code

Ahh, I see someone’s already on it. Not that familiar with github but looks like it’s already done, should probably be in the next update.

It’s already in the game.