Is the human race able to survive Cataclysm?

Humanity has researched anti-bimyotics :sunglasses:

Examples of what? you have a local wildfire, and then the forest weathers it and then comes back. In the Camp example that same area had been burned to the ground a decade earlier, and the forest regrew.

Ok, and then you travel to the next, and the next, etc, and by the time you get to the last one in your area, regrowth has already started almost everywhere you’ve visited, meanwhile your Johnny Firebug is likely to get killed somewhere along the way. Meanwhile you’re also putting the tiny remaining human population in your area at risk, burn down a few square miles of fungal forest and a few square miles of regular forest along with a human camp, and the fungus comes out ahead.

Yes, it is, they’ve never been exposed to extradimensional alien microorganisms.

“forests…spontaneously annihilated by fire.”

Examples of that. Of what you asked for. Spontaneous annihilation. 239 miles in spite of attempts from day one to stop it. Without Calfire it would not have remained local for long.
You know why the forests regrew? Because we cultivated its growth instead of killing the remainder and settling over it.

“Ok, and then you travel to the next, and the next, etc, and by the time you get to the last one in your area , regrowth has already started almost everywhere you’ve visited, meanwhile your Johnny Firebug is likely to get killed somewhere along the way.”

Yes? Thats life, thats all of history. Empire. If one doesn’t go from place to place burning and killing threats than no society can set up, no security can be had, no progress can be made. No land can be conquered.
I’m pretty sure the Romans didn’t thrive because they just sat back and hoped really hard.
Johnny Firebug(I like that btw, will name my next character that) is guaranteed to die, like everyone eventually. But, as throughout all history another WILL take his place and continue the burn. Two will take his place, and then three. People will follow behind, humanity are like ants, where one goes others follow and become a rushing stream upon the land they have burned before them. Thats why we’re all in the situation we are in now.
How does the fungus come back when the tower is killed and all burned? A portal, I can understand that, for that local area. Which can be contained.
Respectfully, that is a pointless assumption of an argument. Some guys in the woods might die and that makes humanity lose. Step 2… And then fungus wins.

“Yes, it is, they’ve never been exposed to extradimensional alien microorganisms.”

So the last few billion years were just…what then? Are you saying that terran bacs and viruses main purpose isn’t adapt and overcome? They’ve been riding that bronco long before we started banging sticks together. Evolution good sir. And to the fungal/blob WE’RE the extradimensional alien microoganisms.
You are the creator, pick and choose. You literally make the CDDA universe. So in the end its not me who matters or my opinion, you’re the one who helped make an amazing game. I’m fine with that. And seriously respect you for that.
Honestly its all Halal and Kosher for me, keep kicking butt man.

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Valeri Vladimirovich Polyakov (Russian: Валерий Владимирович Поляков, born Valeri Ivanovich Korshunov on April 27, 1942) is a former Russian cosmonaut. He is the holder of the record for the longest single stay in space in human history, staying aboard the Mir space station for more than 14 months (437 days 18 hours) during one trip.[1] His combined space experience is more than 22 months.[2]

That means absolutely nothing. He survived for 14 months in orbit with support from the ground - a situation entirely different from what astronauts will be in in our setting.


Quite true, the CDDA astronauts would have 100 years of technological innovation with them. Unless the ISS wasn’t updated for 20-70 years. Which would be, literally, insane

What? The game is set in roughly modern day.

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Its set in the 2070s good sir/madam

It’s not.

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“The future government of America…”
The heck does this mean than?


Note: Canon date of game start is April 30th, in “YEAR”, which equals the IRL year the game world was created +1.

YEAR -25

  • March : An interdimensional traveler from an alternate earth crash lands a portal traveling vessel in the American Midwest. The traveler dies, the vessel is appropriated by the US government and starts a chain of research. The technology is very similar to Earth tech of the 1990s, but the actual dimensional travelling technology is as-yet undeveloped, and there are examples of equivalent but divergent energy technologies: there is a simple but functional high-capacity fuel cell on board, using mostly Earth accessible designs but with a few exotic components that will take time to reverse engineer.

YEAR -15

  • Research into pilotable robot exoskeletons results in the first large production robotic suit for cargo handling. It remains prohibitively expensive for most applications. These suits use a simplified fuel cell design from the dimensional craft, but not all the raw materials needed have yet been synthesized, so the efficiency is much lower.

The wiki is out of date, probably.


I agree. No other answer makes sense

The wiki isn’t canon. Dunno who writes that stuff.

Humanity is boned. This discussion is really weird, people keep coming back to hear the same answer. Even with what already exists in game it’s unlikely the biosphere would survive, and with what exists in the lore it is insanely boned. If not the blob, the fungus would wipe everything out.

This is already a corpse planet. It’s a game about ekeing out survival on the dying husk of a world.


I blame all those “we beat the aliens” movies, only because aliens were written stupid.


So true, in many ways DDA is a direct reaction to that kind of writing that has no concern for maintaining consistency of the established scenario. It’s a hard pill to swallow, which makes it unpopular with many people, but luckily I’m not paying the bills with this so I don’t have to try and please the majority :smiley:


Quoting Sseth words “The best part about the story is that no one knows what exactly what happened” this makes for me, the feeling of ignorance about something bigger happened outside. And this opens a gate to create more creative stories, maybe another alien race saw in some groups of “humans” a strength and willpower to fight against any threat even in the dawn of our civilization, this alien civilization is relative like us (they create technology to actually use it properly) and helps us to rebuild a new human civilization in a safer planet were this alien specie can’t colonize but humans can and without problem.

The possibilities are endless. The stories could be about practically anything, a hopeless narrative of eldritch revelations, legendary stories how an individual did an incredible thing, how new communities were created and evolve over time against the odds, a more sentimental story about the loss of someone important or how individuals sacrifice their humanity for more power.

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Who would even want humanity to survive? Mycus or bust, baby!

Edit: On a serious note, I think the guaranteed death of the species brings opportunity for players to throw caution to the wind and experiment with the game. If there were even a chance for Humanity to retake its lost planet, most people would just fall into building civilizations every single playthrough. (Btw, if you want that, Dwarf Fortress already exists and is much better for this sort of thing.)

With the idea that “Humanity has no chance, do what you will with your few remaining days/months/years”, that would drive at least me to chug sewage and become an all-powerful force of nature for however long I have left. Might just be me tho.

This I can agree with. Who cares if you go down into a mutation spiral and end up becoming a blob seeker agent or whatever when you will be strong enough to survive on your own for the rest of your natural life span.

There will be those who attempt to rebuild civilization, and they may survive a long time with their new family. There will be those of us who attempt to wage war with the zombies or mycus or fungals and exterminate them. They may eventually die to one stupid mistake but in their own story, they are the heroes of world war Z .

The thing about roguelikes in general is that you are given a goal (Get the amulet of Yendor, survive as long as you can, get as much loot as possible, etc) and then are left to fend for yourself. You can try your best to complete that goal or even go against them. In the infinite open world of CDDA there are certainly ways for you to kill everything but also ways you can make close personal stories with those characters.


I spotted this as I was catching up. This has been discovered false. Because Phages.
[(+antibiotic resistance) = (-phage resistance)]
and vice versa, thus phage/antibiotic therapy is being studied for future use for bad bacterial infections

Sorry for off topic.

Back On Topic:

Best case for humanity has to be: survivor with boosted intelligence studies blob, purifier etc… and figures out how to regularly purge blob from human systems enough to allow uncomplicated births to be a reproducible affair without the need for a team of specialists to watch over the pregnancy.

Unfortunately even for a hyper intelligent blob boosted mutant this would likely be a full lifetime of work requiring extended life.

Luckily blob is conducive to that from all appearances

Some stuff on my chest rolled together and somehow turned into a speech for the Cataclysmic survivors:

Humanities greatest strength, and greatest weakness is our ability to adapt.
The blob and its ilk of squabbling intergalactic superpowers has pushed this truth to its limits, and whether for better and while most certainly for worse, we must choose not once, but a thousand times over in every action of every day how that change will be effected.

The earliest days of life on this planet has seen life adapting and overcoming. Surely adapting to become better at adapting more effectively and better directed evolutuions being the most consistent winners, until eventually intelligence evolved, allowing species to adapt their survival strategies faster than they could biologically do so and socially reproducing the best evolutions available.
Today we must now overcome evolution that rivals our own limits, while pushing our already extreme abilities to adapt into the unknown. So choose your actions quickly and carefully at every turn and adapt to survive in this new battlefield, together, as the champions of yesterday and the challengers of tomorrow.

This is a really interesting thread thanks for necroing it so I could read it. :smiley:.

My 2 cents is that some humans will survive though they will not be recognizable as humans any more. (extremely mutated, CBM infused, part of the Mycus collective, etc…)

I could totally see a group of humans forming a society, heavily relying on mutagens and bionics in order to sustain themselves and maintaining independence from the hostile alien forces on the earth. (unless mutagens make you sterile or there are more cataclysms and unforeseen invasions which bring new and more dangerous threats).

The blob,fungus and triffid threat as they are represented in the game are simply not that hard to counter, a few people well supplied by a burgeoning society of survivors with explosives & firearms can stop any of these threats in their tracks, let alone a group of hybrid spider/prime/medical super humans outfitted in high-tech gear and while they might never be able to retake the whole of the earth I don’t see why they couldn’t exist indefinitely in their own protected territory, with resources being as renewable as the are (you can grow food, mine for minerals, synthesize chemicals and produce energy with solar tech mostly indefinitely or at least for a very long time with the technology present in the game) not to mention that you can retake strategic locations fairly easily for resources should there be something in particular that you need. This is all provided that the threats represented in the game as it is now aren’t escalated in some unforeseen way in the future.

Imagine that somehow this game could be remade with the same mechanics and systems but be multiplayer so that a 100 players could spawn in together and play in one world at the same time (obviously this would be a nightmare to play with the turn based nature of CDDA but still technically possible). Pretty much everywhere would be wiped out of threats within a month miles & miles & miles around the spawn location, the blob, fungus and Triffid really are not that threatening, at least not as they are currently represented in the game as of now. This is largely a limitation on AI to be fair, I imagine threats like the mi-go would be FAR more dangerous if they were also controlled by other players and could equip themselves like players can.

But anyhow the real answer though mundane is that only those who write the lore will/can decide this because it is a fantastically infeasible hypothetical question.