I'll draw your current survivor V.3

Okay, I definitely want to commission a portrait of Dr. Rosalie Boyce who has just survived the most harrowing Spring of 20XX possible, and has had the most close calls without actually biting it of any C:DDA character I’ve ever played. But there’s no way in good conscience I’m letting you do it FOR FREE. I own a company that pays a ton of freelance artists all the time, year round, to make art that’s in the ballpark of your skill level (and only B&W!) for $50.00 a pop. So I want to at least throw $25 your way.

Bigger issue: I can’t seem to screencap, as I mentioned here, and I do definitely want to get you a screencap of at least my @ screen and my (i)nventory so you can see what she’s wearing and how it’s layered, plus at least the short version of the incredibly harrowing spring she has survived. The highlight was when a skeletal dog that I couldn’t hit in melee or with my pistols gnawed off both of her legs and brought me up to Pain 200 before I finally somehow killed it with a lucky headshot (it’s the first time in Cataclysm I can think of the RNG miraculously saving me instead of anti-miraculously fucking me). I didn’t have the Strength or volume to carry two weapons at once, so I had to drop the gun to pick up my makeshift machete and butcher it. She was left panting on a kitchen floor with two broken legs and her pants and backpack destroyed, STR, DEX, and PER of 0 from the pain, no painkillers stronger than Aspirin, and waiting for the crystal meth to wear off. Somehow she managed to build splints out of the curtain rods from the kitchen windows, splint her broken legs, drag herself into the next room, dismantle the bed, board up the windows, and sustain herself on a small cache of orange soda and root beer while waiting several days for her shattered bones to set. It is the only time EVER in Cataclysm that I have hit 200 pain and two missing limbs and actually somehow survived it. This came after: a day one that involved running through a road-clogging gauntlet of giant ants that unexpectedly turned hostile midway through, a day one run-in with a giant wasp that I really shouldn’t have survived, the wasp sting transitioned directly into the common cold which I was able to hole up in someone’s panic room and wait out (although I came very close to dying from dehydration). And was followed by: detoxifying from acquired alcoholism.

Please do not begin art yet. I’m serious about wanting to pay you (PayPal is easiest for me and is how we pay our regulars) and I’m double serious of wanting to get the screencaps of her current condition before drawin’ starts. But yeah, please kick Dr. Rosalie Boyce onto your pile.

Okay, apparently screencapping is no problem if I run the game windowed. It’s just my default mode of running the game is running it in full screen with a custom Pandora station serving as a “soundtrack” in the background. Anyway, here is what Dr. Boyce looks like, her @ screen, and what she’s wearing. The only thing that’s not self-evident is the +s on the weapons, so: the H&K UCP is suppressed, the carbine and two rifles are shoulder strapped onto her, and the battle rifle has an extended magazine.

She also carries a combat knife (which you can’t see in the inventory screenshot) and a collapsed riot baton (which you CAN see in the inventory screenshot) as weapons of last resort, but has yet to encounter or be able to build any sheaths or holsters so all excess weapons besides the ones strapped onto her are presumably in her lab-coat pockets. Hopefully if I ever encounter a skeletal dog again, whipping out the baton will make for a less painful experience (it’s hard to imagine a MORE painful experience). I just assume that skeletons in this are less invulnerable to bashing weapons like in many, many other games, I’ve never actually tested it out.

Edit: I just noticed that she’s still not wearing any pants, lol. It’s not a sex appeal thing, she just literally hasn’t had time to replace the Cargo Pants that were torn apart by the skeletal dog that ate her legs. So yeah, the proper depiction of her is indeed a labcoat but no pants.

Final Edit: How many peeps are in line ahead of me, if you don’t mind?

Final Edit: How many peeps are in line ahead of me, if you don’t mind?

You are 5th on line.


I wanted to try something different, so this one is done traditionally with a pencil. Problem is I have no idea how to scan pencil and not have it loose half the details.

Well anyways here it is

Awsome !
Totally worth the wait, thanks !

That is actually a REALLY good quality scan, especially for just pencil and paper. Art ain’t bad either. : )

Well thanks! Good to know it I didnt screw up completely with the scan. I think the paper was just to thin

How does an hydraulic arm look like? I dunno just add a bunch of hoses to it.

Meh I’ll keep to simpler colors next time

Wow! Really digging the pencil art! One of my favourites so far.

That is a badass cyborg.

Well. As far as noteworthy characters go, I’m one of the people who decided to try at using the debug console to get a max statted character with every beneficial mutation, and every CBM. Honestly sounds kind of ugly. Like some kind of super buff Olympian Statue that falls into the uncanny valley.

As I recall, the description for very strong/extremely strong mention how the muscles are massive, and the intelligence equivalent of those mutations mention a larger head.

Exactly. Combine that with every CBM, and they start to look like some kind of cyborg flesh monster.

To be fair though, I was thinking of mutations without negative (visibility) side effects when I referred to them as beneficial. Either way is fine. I was just having a thought excercise of how strange it would look.

These are all so neat! Thanks for doing this!

[quote=“lol2121, post:21, topic:13819”]I’ve got rest of my stuff in the LMOE shelter.

EDIT: You can ignore the stuff like purses and backpacks, also, please draw the scarf around the neck.[/quote]
Innawoods style survivor.

I’d say it’s quite good, but my character hasn’t got a beard or something like that…

how can you be so sure?

Shaving kit is, inexplicably enough, an in-game item, as is makeshift shaving kit. Maybe he’s gone to the trouble of using it?

(I certainly never have. Enough shit to worry about in the zone without bringing hygiene into it.)

Looks great, if angry :stuck_out_tongue:

Something about the broadsword just lying around makes it look very anachronistic. It’s quite appealing.