How to make the game fun again to people who have played it too much?

I love this game. But I loved it too much. Played it too much.

How can I make it fun for me again?

How do I make it, if not fresh, enjoyable?

It’s ok to take a break. I stepped away from it for a couple months before returning.

It’s kinda nice when you return after a long break, because the developers are passionate about this project, so they’re constantly pushing out updates. When you comeback, you end up really pleasantly surprised by all the improvements, balance changes, and updates to the game.

you wait for endgame content. till then, challenge/limit yourself in some ways

make your self a chalage like lower item spawn and raice the Mob spawn and make it harder or add some mods

How do I make it, if not fresh, enjoyable?
Learn c++ and make it fresh.

Spawn lots of dogs and dog whistles with DEBUG and then go all Dog Master.

Furry clothes for extra points.

Leave it alone for a month, come back, try the new experimental and go nuts on all the new features.

Drop item spawn rate, raise enemy spawns. You’ll start enjoying the survival aspect a whole lot more.

I wonder what the game would be like with DF’s combat…

Broken bones would be a lot more prevalent.

[quote=“FunsizeNinja123, post:9, topic:6463”]I wonder what the game would be like with DF’s combat…

Broken bones would be a lot more prevalent.[/quote]

Don’t even go there Funsize

Cataclysm + Dwarf fortress combat + ??? = Profit

Best game in existence coming through

No, it would not.

Then you sir, do not enjoy dwarf fortress combat as much as i

More in-depth combat? YES (see
DF-style combat? NO

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:13, topic:6463”]More in-depth combat? YES (see
DF-style combat? NO[/quote]

Your always on that shit kevin great job you guys love to see it when its in game, Im just a hardcore fan of the descriptive gore and mutilation that takes place in dwarf fortress, honestly the only reason I play dwarf fortress is for the combat.

I love the descriptions and the gore as much as you Goodness, but I don’t want my lungs being bruised all the time or having a broken nail on my foot keeping me from walking.

And that link was posted waay back in 2013 so…



I guess you make good points mr ninja