How did you last die?

What does DF mean in this context? dancefloor? dwarf fortress? da f**k? I feel stupid but want to know.

Generally safe to presume Dwarf Fortress here.

Dwarf fortress. DF is always Dwarf fortress. I don’t play it, but I understand the reference so I used it. Complex game that gets REALLY into all the details and where the point of the game is very dark souls. Dying is “FUN” you can understand why people here reference it a lot, especially when talking about getting more complex systems implanted in the game.

[quote=“ApatheticExcuse, post:1356, topic:339”]Was finally really doing well with a char. Had a nice little safehouse, guns, meds, food, all the good stuff. Decided I wanted to build a wall, and that a car would help me carry around bulky building materials as well as act as a power source once the safehouse was a proper fort. Got quite lucky and found a police car in 100% shape right next to the safehouse, go me!

Didn’t bother to read up on driving beyond how to start the car. Turns out pressing “forward” keeps increasing your speed rather than just making you go forward. Wouldn’t have been a problem except that someone had left a roadblock in the middle of the hiway I was learning to drive on. Survived that crash pretty much unscathed somehow, but did not survive the tank bots manning the roadblock.

This game is DF !!FUN!!.[/quote]

So what happens when you pull the handbreak at like 200mph? flip/roll/slide/it breaks off?
I think the max I’ve got in most vehicles is like 60

After installing got my specop killed by a zombie while wielding my ttasty kukri when for some odd reason my attacks cost over 170 moves!
That was refreshing.
(Also my second try got eaten while wielding a heavy stick when attcks costed 200+!).

I didn’t know turrets could be INSIDE the military bunker.

ME: Hello, may I enter in a very elegant way with my lovely acytelene torch?

[quote=“troll from behind, post:1365, topic:339”]After installing got my specop killed by a zombie while wielding my ttasty kukri when for some odd reason my attacks cost over 170 moves!
That was refreshing.
(Also my second try got eaten while wielding a heavy stick when attcks costed 200+!).[/quote]

Cutting weapons can cost you extra move points when they get stuck in your target (high strength and weapon skill mitigates this), and torso encumbrance increases move-cost-per-melee-attack by quite a lot.

Learned that hitting a gas pump with a baseball bat is a really bad idea :confused:

I just lost control of an actual working car on day 2 trying to outrun 2 hulks (0 driving skill) that had been punting me. I clipped the gas station tank in a spinout.

Sadly the deathcam failed, wasn’t any explosion, even though it said in game there was one :\

I’m trying to imagine when it can actually be a good idea…

I’m trying to imagine when it can actually be a good idea…[/quote]

I wanted to see what would happen :stuck_out_tongue: I kinda assumed that ya know, free gas, not a fireball :3

Apparently biking in the middle of nowhere is much more dangerous than it used to be. I knew that it caused fatigue now, but I missed the part where it also caused thirst…

Generally safe to presume Dwarf Fortress here.[/quote]

Yeah, exactly that. I say DF !!FUN!! because that about the only other game I’ve played where dying is usually just as awesome as succeeding. Or is sometimes the same thing.

Boosted into an asteroid while bounty hunting at an RES.


Five debug characters had their chests explode from overloaded microreactors I made. Whoops, too much power pop

Will prob have a ton of deaths here in a bit when I start a new character though. First three days are tough.

Was walking with a friend. They got swarmed by a horde. After making sure they were all dead, I butchered his body, just in case. I later found out he had cocaine on him. I ended up snorting every single gram of coke he had. I later stumbled into the forest, and was eaten by wolves.

I died happy at least.

I was wounded and stumbling about in a forest after a rather messy encounter with a couple of turrets in the middle of the road. I found a Lab which I was able to open with a keycard on a scientist zombie (also killed by the turrets, I was investigating the corpse when I got shot). By this point I’d basically spent the night hobbling through the forest and was dying of a combination of starvation and thirst. Since I had somehow completely failed to realize that I could forage for food in the bushes (newest character’s got berries and eggs up the arse from this) I started looking for a kitchen of some description, or a zombie I could eat if it came to that. I did find a chemistry lab; instead of water and chemicals, though, it was a mutagen lab. Since I figured the mutagens were probably some sort of viscous liquid of some description, I decided to take my chances.

Long story short, by the end of it I was stumbling around a lab, bleeding from absolutely everywhere, and high as a kite on all the drugs I’d found on corpses but hadn’t used. I was installing every CBM I came across and downing/injecting every mutagen. It was clear I was not going to live, so I spent the last moments of my Scarface/mechathulu existence lighting everything possible on fire.

I died of smoke inhalation. I definitely wasn’t expecting flashbacks to my early Deus Ex deaths playing this, but there you go.

What a shame. o3o

Was on day 2, doing some various chores to fortify my house into a sturdier shelter, boarding up windows and disassembling furniture and such. Stepped outside to tear down the fences and got blindsided by a Zombie Brute. Had nothing on me except a butcher’s knife so I made a run for the nearest forest, but the damn thing was too fast and flung me with every attack. By the time we reached the woods I was at a sliver of head HP and I was moving so slowly from the pain that even my ducking and weaving between trees wasn’t allowing me to stay very far ahead of the brute.

Then we stumbled near an anthill. At least with the monster infighting system I got the satisfaction of watching the brute get torn to pieces before I got killed myself.

I remember before flinging attacks were added and I could kill a Hulk on Day 1 with a shrub and a baseball bat if I got lucky with dodging. Those were good days.

You can dodge the flinge so with a bit of luck you can kill a hulk naked with a club on day 1-