How did you last die?

Sounds like having two people named the same triggered a suicide. Most likely a programming thing. I don’t think players/NPCs have special identifiers, so the game seen two same name characters and thought “this won’t do.”

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Speaks for itself. Savescummed a couple times bc I thought spawning near an anthill was cheap, especially on a heli crash start.


I allow myself 1 savescum per stupid mistake. It allows me to learn from my mistakes, but when I fail to learn, I’m dead from my own stupidity. Recently died from using an auto doc in an ant infested lab. Should have known better, but now I know not to use it unless the medical area is secure.


Good to know I’m not the only one who has ant problems.

Well, when I went back, my minor ant problem turned into portals spewing shoggoths. As soon as I find some C4, I’m just going to blow the entrance lol

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If there was ever a justification for mini nukes, it would be that.


Devoured by ravenous save incompatibility.


My last death was quite a tragic one; Since being a beginner in cataclysm I did not recognice symptoms of funcal infection until it was too late. I died fighting zombiedog while my hands and arms exploded from funcal infection :slight_smile:

I forgot to turn off Surrounded Start. A lesson learned.

Wasn’t expecting the security bot inside the mutagen vault!

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I killed the Old Guard rep to see how the guards would react (They didn’t hostile me, i don’t know if this is expected behaviour.) And then got shot in the head through power armor by the doctor who was pretty angry about the fragged Fed.

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Was eating muffins IRL and was spamming “.” While driving. Drove in to a mine field but dint die, died by a Mi-Go that step on the mine next to me while I tried to escape.

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Found a subway inside a lab underneath a city.

I found a hunting horror, but it wasn’t that tough. I had tons of clothes on.
It was taking a while so I looted some nearby corpses.

I found a grenade.
Take a guess at what happens next.

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My char founded a Mininuke. After sometimes sitting in a corner at my bases. I became curious about it’s power.

To safely tested it I dug 3 level down in a middle of nowhere with pick axe. Activated the timer mininuke for 1200 put the mininuke down at level -3 run to about 2 overmap tiles east.
After hiding behind a heli wrecks, I spammed tab to fast forward to detonation time. After about 21 minutes from mininuke activation timer I see “you hear “bang” from the west” message.

Long story shorts I don’t understand how mininuke timer works because the nuke exploded right under my feet when I went to check back the aftermath.


Well made a new character just to test a few things and aperantly instead had the shortest game ever.

Evac, walked outside and the infamous large two horned devil himself known as “Moose” said hi and gave me a nice dam beating. But the NPC help my sorry ass.

But guess what? The NPC helped the wrong way with a dam grenade.


Underestimated Pipebombs and blew myself apart as the result

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Did a lab run.

  • started in a Weapons Vault
  • laughed at the SecBot as it tried to shoot through reinforced glass until it ran out of ammo
  • grabbed ID card and booked it
  • found a lit empty bedroom almost immediately, began stashing goodies
  • found an empty autodoc theater, rare mutagen vault, and bionics vault, all full of goodies
  • ready to take on world
  • only one staircase up
  • opens into fungal bloom room full of spilled plutonium slurry and a SKELETAL JUGGERNAUT

Oh that whacky RNG.


Just had the most gruesome cata death I’ve ever had.

Plan was to kill some bandits but stepped on a land mine that tore apart my arms. No biggie (now I have time to read all those books!), just hide behind the cabin and hit some tramadol and morphine. Too bad the painkillers caused me to lose all my stamina, go blind and pass out.

When I came to I was being dragged away through a forest by a grappler zombie (five overmap squares no less!). Unable to do anything I realized it was pulling me north towards a hospital. Realizing my imminent doom I reached for a military issue hand grenade I knew I had in my inventory, only to find it had dropped out of my golf bag that got shredded by the explosion.

Helpless, blind and alone in the dark, Andrea’s limb but conscious body was munched on by the entire hospital staff, unable to do anything as they chewed through her plate-augmented legs through the tatters of her now torn AEP suit. Her enhanced hearing bionic let her hear every miniscule gory detail as she prayed for the painkillers to OD, stopping a point or two short of death. As they finally went for her abdomen, she knew her plans and dreams of becoming an ever-awake heroin consuming faerie princess had finally come to an end.

Morphine… helluva drug.


That’s actually very brutal. My god.

identical names, i always use “Crazy Russian” cause i setup my presets with genders and default names even.