How did you last die?

What about the turret that is right next to a stair? Anyone going down stair would get shot to death.

Always peek downstairs before going down, always wait a bit before you do to make sure you have full action points.

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I never knew I could peek downstairs. hmm.

That moment when you thought your npc squad were unstoppable only to be crushed by endless hordes of undead and undead super soldiers and zombie bio operators. The image is from a game called xenonauts btw.


a young fire ant in the wood hidden between trees, i was running from a kevlar guy to keep him away from my city. Insta burnt
Was a 40d bow hunter, young fashion victim girl

Ah, Xenonauts… I remember the first time I got my base raided; 'Promptly got destroyed due to the fact I was underprepared… Good times… good times


I discovered it’s better to face down a shocker with a fire axe than run with a broken leg in a splint but being zapped while one zombie holds me and the other 3 wail on me wasn’t fun. 5 dead zombies later and all limbs broken or in the red I had a fun 7 days of recovering from infection in my shelter. I actually survived but now I’m famished with no food left and almost healed broken limbs so who knows how long I have left.

This game is superb!


Don’t give up!
It might be worth doing a little foraging or night raiding to stave of starvation until you recover. You might end up setting back your recovery some but survival has to come first.

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I was thrown from my canoe in the dead of night while rowing in the middle of the river. Davey Jones needs some deodorizer.

Unsuccessfully hacked the terminal in the underground laboratory and being killed by an security bot :c

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Tried to spawn in one of those doom labs managed to almost get out when I stumbled upon a fault not knowing it rapidly increases your warmth until I got cooked. Deep fried

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I watched​:blush::blush::blush:. Why don’t you have more subs.

I found a bar and wondered what I could craft. Turns out I could make a fancy hobo with wine, beer and spirits. However, I had no vessel to store it in so I chose to consume it. After getting trashed and having no stamina I was easy prey for the acidic giant soldier ant at night.

Until that point I’d been playing 20+ hrs and had 200 kills, had survived infection and broken legs.
Died because I got drunk at the wrong time in the middle of an uncleared/undiscovered city.

I’m sure I’ll do better next time.


Rest in peace fellow lush.

Went on a mission to wack a few bandits. Found a tractor parked outside I could steal. Got inside. Rebbed it up. Plowed into the building and it collapsed on all 3 guys.

I also didn’t notice it lacked a seat belt. So when I hit 60mph going through the building. I went through the windshield face first, cutting my head off and I landed in a heap.

…Yay, I completed a mission! =^.^=

haha, sorry to laugh at you, but i couldn’t help, you recreated one of my memorable deaths, when i rammed my tank into a lab to break into it and was flung out and died, i felt so invincible in that tank too.

I decided that I should break into a gun store. The most obvious method at the time, of course, was to drive a forklift through the wall. That part worked splendidly. As did the looting.

I hadn’t accounted for the noise, though. Smashing that wall had effectively announced my location to at least half the town’s “population”. They had begun to surround me by the time I was getting back to the forklift.

Then the building collapsed on us.

ᕕ ( ᐛ ) ᕗ

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the silliest most humiliating way possible, i use a preset name with my character presets and accidentally loaded into my play world instead of the test world i made, thus causing the other character to suicide.

i’m honestly not really sure if i count that as a death or not though, i could very easily jump back in and reclaim most of my stuff without a lot of issue.

Hmm, I think the last thing that killed me was a tough zombie. Been a while since I started playing again. But my second character currently has 1600 kills and certainly more to follow. The mall was just the beginning.

I’ve had more than one character per world before. What caused the suicide?