Home Remodelling?

Let’s say I fortify a building I like, but I need a door somewhere. Or want more windows. Or want to add a garage door with a palisade gate;

I grab my jackhammer and knock out a tile… cool. Usually. Sometimes though, my entire living room collapses. Well, the neighbors’, but it’s the apocalypse. Everything is mine!

Is there a method to demolition that minimizes unnecessary damage? Or is it completely random whether or not you remove the single wall section you intended, or half your house?

I like the rebar and all, but…

If the answer is no (and I am not sure) you can always use the debug menu. Since realistically the method you described should work, I would not feel bad about using the debug menu to remove a wall. Especially if you already have the tools you need and just discard them (that is what I do in minecraft for example if a recipe is bugged I throw the materials into lava and just spawn the item)

Yeah, even though the debug menu says that using it is cheating, I feel that reorganizing the walls or doors in my base isn’t actually cheating since it doesn’t really change anything in-game, but it can make a lot of things like organizing easier.

Huh, I thought you could build a window at least into a wall section.
Regardless you SHOULD be able to, will look at that.

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:4, topic:3746”]Huh, I thought you could build a window at least into a wall section.
Regardless you SHOULD be able to, will look at that.[/quote]

Could the sledgehammer be given the ‘controlled demolition’ role? Possibly with a strength requirement?

By the way, I assumed for the longest time that spilled liquids were uncleanable. I recently decided on a whim to activate a mop… I feel stupid and genius at the same time, though I sorta miss that 3 season old mayonnaise. It was just learning to make good conversation.