Help with getting items out of containers

Hello, I’m very new to the game (and roguelikes in general), but what I’ve played of it, I’ve enjoyed immensely.

But I’ve come across a problem. I can’t seem to get items out of furniture. I’m sitting staring at a .45 in a dresser, but I can’t get it out. I’ve tried smashing the dresser, pressing g and , but I can’t seem to get to it. Its probably just some simple button.

Thanks in advance for the help!

You need to examine the container.

Lowercase e and then the direction of the container.

alternatively, use / to access advanced inventory.

The IRC channel usuall has active members, you could ask questions there too if you’re looking for quicker replies!

Hi all, can any one out there help me, I dont know how to get the little add a friend and the pm me symbols underneath my photo on my profile? Would be hreatful of any help. Thanks.
Steve K

[quote=“R19ot, post:5, topic:8264”]Hi all, can any one out there help me, I dont know how to get the little add a friend and the pm me symbols underneath my photo on my profile? Would be hreatful of any help. Thanks.
Steve K[/quote]

Not precisely on-topic but they showed up fine for me. Might be a function of being logged in: PMing myself might make a certain amount of sense (leave a reminder?) but putting myself on my friend list seems counterproductive.

Thank you all, I can finally get my .45 out of the dresser and blow some zombie brains!