Feature request or i just missed a feature somehow:
- It is annoying to pressing 'g’et key or open A.I.M. just to see the items around me when i’m next to a closed furniture. A continuously working item list similar to the shift+v item list would be welcome.
- Is there a way to open a container and put its content into the inventory? I use AIM and i have to put an MRE bag into my inventory, open it, drop the needed items from it to the ground, move the MRE bag to the ground and move the needed items from the ground to my inventory. It would be good to enter into a container like you enter into a directory in a file manager program. Or just a ‘put it into the inventory’ option.
- I would like to cover a pit with plank or planks to walk over it. (i see someone just asked for it too
- i can read the content of a book in smoke of a smoker zombie.
- can’t press escape for options or for save/exit while sleeping.
- when i try to modify a clothes, i can’t examine the greyed out options if there is a selectable option.
- in the AIM when i move an object and have to select the destination (because the destination window is “all-9-fields”), numpad doesn’t works.
- Why cutting the metal parts from a jackhammered wall create a deep pit? I think it makes no sense, it is annoying, but at least i fill the pit with an activated entrenching tool, which is a bug.
- item selection sanity check needed for some items. Like i had two fully plate packed US ballistic vest, also several ballistic plates. When one plate shattered in a vest, i tried to insert a new plate into it, but the game always selected a plate from the other vest. I had to move the full vest away from the “selection bubble”, to solve this problem.
- Auto-move has no ignore option for sounds, a window bashing monster in a dark lab stops the character at every steps.
- The auto-move when a monster spotted ask about cancel, but the character stops anyway because of the safe mode.
- I can’t damage a broken console with a machete.
- Similar items sometimes not grouped into one item in AIM. I presume they packed into different pockets for no reason? When i examine an item, it would be good to see which pocket it is in.
- 'w’ield and 'W’ear commands should use assigned keys to items on the ground too.
- practice progression item which cannot be disassembled after i stopped practicing. I have to finish it to get back some items.
- When i tried to pick up something from the ground with the 'g’et key, there was a wield and wear options when there was not enough space in the inventory. It is gone now and that is annoying.
- I don’t know why, but when i press the x key to look around the cursor is not on my character but one tile left to it. OS: Win 10, Terminal 240x67.