Has any one seen a fungal house?

In a game from the experimental version 0.8-1967-g3070962 I found a house full of fungal beds, trees, slime pits and two stacks of 11 marloss berrys.

So far a flaming eye, mi-go and a hunting horror have spawned in it :open_mouth:

Does anyone know anything about it?

Alrighty, the spawns for the marloss berry ā€œbushesā€ are random. They can spawn in houses, streets, and sometimes in a science lab. In you case, it spawned in a house. Not anything special, just a marloss berry bush spawned in a house.

I saw a portal in the middle of one.

ā€¦I kinda wondered if I was screwing around in the world editor and forgot againā€¦ ā€¦Guess this means I can trust my eyes again. XD


NEVER, EVER, EVER.[/b][/i][/u]

Well that character is pretty much dead anyways so Iā€™m going in!

I just thought it was new because Iā€™ve never seen one before over close to 100 hours

[quote=ā€œFunsizeNinja123, post:4, topic:3651ā€][u][i][b]DONā€™T EVER STEP INTO THE PORTAL THATā€™S IN THE MARLOSS BERRY BUSH.

NEVER, EVER, EVER.[/b][/i][/u][/quote]

So far as I knew itā€™s a random teleport, with damage. Could be hazardous, granted, but not an insta-kill.

[quote=ā€œKA101, post:6, topic:3651ā€][quote=ā€œFunsizeNinja123, post:4, topic:3651ā€][u][i][b]DONā€™T EVER STEP INTO THE PORTAL THATā€™S IN THE MARLOSS BERRY BUSH.

NEVER, EVER, EVER.[/b][/i][/u][/quote]

So far as I knew itā€™s a random teleport, with damage. Could be hazardous, granted, but not an insta-kill.[/quote]

Unless you manage to get telefragged.

i2amroy recently reworked portal/fungal interactions, so it is a new thing, now portals have fungal stuff spreading from them.

Actually itā€™s an old one, itā€™s just that now it works correctly all of the time. :stuck_out_tongue:

House? No, but I found a marloss store once. It WAS a hardware store, but most of the shelves and tools and such were replaced by fungus and marloss and evil void-spawned horrors, and there were dozens of marloss berries.