Alright guys, I have something of a conundrum on my hands here. I’ve been playing the game for a little while, tweaking world stats and getting my survivors killed by animals and car accidents and zombie hordes. All the usual fun stuff. Well, I recently got into a world where I opted for a lab start. I managed to pull a comrade whose opening conversation was a quest invite for antibiotics which I was able to obtain easily enough. Super. I managed to get my hands on enough lizard mutagens to turn into a WHF Saurian and I eeked my way to the top of the lab with more chemicals, books, and clothing stocks than I knew what to do with. Explored the area, found a public works that I turned into a base. Got another NPC. Found a mansion with a katana. Gave katana to new NPC. Raided a town, smoked every zombie fight I came across, and new I’m loaded for bear.
So now I’m left feeling… hollow. After nearly a dozen dead corpses (AKA: Tutorial meat) in evac, town, and crashed helicopter modes, I have managed to obtain stability, a base, and two very capable combatant NPCs to accompany my scaly killing machine. I know I’ve not touched the upper end of the sorts of things I might encounter… fungal spires, triphids, the shit in the mines, etc… I’ve not made survivor gear or become Lizard-man 2.0 via ALL OF THE CYBERNETICS… yet I feel like I’ve crested over a plateau now that I am able to waltz into town without more than a bunch of leather armor, a bow, a katana, and some nasty natural weapons.
Does the game get harder? Is my fun now to be found in laying down the proper roots of a new society? Is starvation my only remaining viable foe?
I’ve considered screen capping my NPCs and taking the whole party into a new world with their current allotment of gear of skills. If I was to do that what sort of world would I want to make in order to regain the thrill and the nerves I once felt when I saw more than five or six zombies coming at me from all angles? Are there mods that I could be using? Or just an increase of enemy power via the options already in the core game?
I beseech of thee, good survivors of the cataclysm, to provide me with a realm or a perspective in which I can take this trio on a grand adventure worthy of retelling to the forums.