Game progression and difficulty

I’m currently finding that nothing in the game can actually significantly threaten my character, with the exceptions of turrets and falling down sinkholes.

So I’m wondering if the game gets harder as it goes or whether it’s going to become a complete joke.

There are a lot of monsters I haven’t met yet, but I don’t know how to encounter them. Do they turn up later in game? Do they spawn dynamically when zombies are set to static?

any character that has made it past the first season (arbitrarily) is more or less a god, thus immortal with the exception of greed and/or carelessness. I play DDA for the thrills of the beginnings, because after it’s just a hoarding simulator :slight_smile:
The good thing is that i can customize so much of the game, making it progressively harder to survive those first few weeks.

Well, crap.

But how do you even meet the other enemies? Tank bots, tripods etc?

All there seems to be in my local area are fungus monsters, triffids and zombies. I think I saw a necromancer once but he ran off.

Goals to have in Cata:

Clear out a city.

Destroy a triffid grove/anthill/fungal spire.

Find a strange temple.

Customize a car or make one your self.

I think that's it for me.

[quote=“DG123, post:3, topic:4801”]Well, crap.

But how do you even meet the other enemies? Tank bots, tripods etc?

All there seems to be in my local area are fungus monsters, triffids and zombies. I think I saw a necromancer once but he ran off.[/quote]

Delving deeply into science labs; wiping out triffid groves or fungal blooms … thats about it right now for “what next” in my games I guess. I haven’t been able to set off a store alarm and cause robots to appear in weeks, so not sure that is still working in game.

Otherwise, as Fero’ said, you get a “new beginning challenge” with a fresh character each time (though the more you do it, the more you learn how to survive, and the shorter the timeframe before you’re godlike each new game).

There is a laundry list of things to be added that will ramp up or at least add new sources of difficulty, but they’re the bigger hurdles to code through so they obviously take some significant time to build and put in game. (Mobile hordes; NPC fix; stuff like that).

[quote=“DG123, post:3, topic:4801”]But how do you even meet the other enemies? Tank bots, tripods etc?

All there seems to be in my local area are fungus monsters, triffids and zombies. I think I saw a necromancer once but he ran off.[/quote]

I’m interested too. There are a lot of enemies listed in the code / wiki that I’ve never seen in game after playing for over a game-year.

[quote=“FunsizeNinja123, post:4, topic:4801”]Goals to have in Cata:

Clear out a city.

Destroy a triffid grove/anthill/fungal spire.

Find a strange temple.

Customize a car or make one your self.

I think that's it for me.[/quote]

Collect artifacts.

Make survivor gear.

Get tons of CBMs and good mutations.


Those and yours are my goals.

A good bit of those enemies (especially the robotic ones) only spawn in defense mode, or by triggering alarms. A couple enemies only spawn as mine finales. Some only spawn underground (and are rare as the dickens)

Ice labs can be an interesting challenge.

Yeah, i remember seeing myself wearing 2 fur couch (or whatever it’s called, i don’t remember, it cover all the body) tro avoid freezing to death, so i was fighting with a HUDGE penality.

When i got a sword the game became too easy. Before then it was one of the best gaming experiences I’ve had in a long time. Great game!
yes, the challenge needs to be ramped up with time. The game should force you to create a base w traps and light for example.
also, I think slaying hordes using windows should be more difficult, for example introducing battle mechanisms that improves the chance of you becoming surrounded. Zds should always be deadly and scary.

Yeah, I agree that Cata needs more lategame content.

Not really sure what the point of this discussion is. Everyone seems to agree that more late-game content is needed, and the more common suggestions are, if the debs are to be believed, apparently already in progress. Everything here is just retreading a well-worn path.

Not sure it requires “a point” beyond “people sitting around talking about the game in the Gameplay, Tactics, and General Discussion area” does it? It is nice to see you pop in for your regularly scheduled be-a-debbie-downer-in-the-discussion though, so welcome :stuck_out_tongue:

Consider it people sitting around having a discussion. Some of the people are new to the forum too, it looks like. Some of this may be helpful because it gives people new ideas on what some mid-game stuff there is to do currently, or maybe they don’t know what exactly is planned. Other times it IS nice to just have a “yeah, glad we all agree and look forward to updates” conversation.

The point? The point is that I’ve seen lots of interesting stuff on the wiki but encountered very little of it in game and I was wondering where the heck it was lurking in the world.

Just don’t mind too much about comment from inadequate, he is often like this.

I’m not exactly experienced here but most of those mid and late game enemies can only be encountered in specially locations such as lab, mine, temple, triffid grove, fungal spire…

honestly when I was starting to get bored of how easy the late game was, I just jacked up the monster spawn rate to 50 and now it’s hard enough just to survive to the late game, and even then it’s super cool actually being unable to even raid towns without a solid plan. Zombies literally flood the streets and you have to slowly work your way in.

I try and recommend it to those bored of the lack of difficulty in the game but people don’t seem to be taking up the offer.

I think that’s mostly due to the fact that rouguelikes like you to get really powerful then throw something at you when you least expect it.



The turret fires it smg! The turret headshots you THE END



Deadly cocktail of sheer boredom and instant death.

How tough is a zombie hulk anyway? Seeing as I now have a railgun doing a ridiculous amount of damage, I’m wondering what can survive a shot from it.