Hands very encumbered by wearing leather gloves?

since when do leather cloves encumber hands at all?
And is it just me or did this game get OVER9000 times harder?

I have been running into problems where encumbrance seems to be stacking impossibly high, in my case, arm encumbrance was at 7, and the only things covering the arms were hard arm guards and a trench coat, both fitted.

I think encumbrance has been reworked for some items for balance issues. hoody+rucksack = 5 torso. I remember it being only 3 in .4 but that’s fine with me

Yeah, I feel that the encumbrance is often far too much.

Wearing a sweatshirt and a trench coat for example.

[quote=“Austupaio, post:4, topic:1221”]Yeah, I feel that the encumbrance is often far too much.

Wearing a sweatshirt and a trench coat for example.[/quote]

well, to be honest wearing a sweatshirt, hoodie and 2 t-shirts doesn’t really seem like it makes it very hard to move in RL, but those are all ‘fitted’ to me personally.

I think the over the top encumbrance accounts for clothing too large or small for your character, as ‘fitting’ a piece of clothing lowers its overall enc by 1 (I think)

edit: I’m retarded and can’t spell

That’s probably due to the not-really-documented effect of carrying more stuff than you have storage capacity for. Doing so imposes a penalty to your encumbrance, across the board.

That’s probably due to the not-really-documented effect of carrying more stuff than you have storage capacity for. Doing so imposes a penalty to your encumbrance, across the board.[/quote]

I completely forgot about this! indeed, when your carrying capacity is overloaded you gain a large penalty to every part of the body (I’ve seen a +3 increase, I don’t know if it can go higher)

this may be your problem

A better example of this system not quite working is the Lab Technician. Just wearing a dress shirt and a lab coat that you start the game with gives you 3 Arm Encumbrance, greatly decreasing your ranged accuracy.

That’s just silly.