I have several ideas on how to handle mods now that the mod manager and more jsons are coming with this release. The ideas are based on
- make it easier for people to find the mods they want.
- Make it easier for mod developers to promote their mods and get people to use them.
- Little to no additional work for main branch developers. They have enough to do .
Mod Forum Change
Mod forum is how a hodgepodge of mods, discussions about mods, development discussions… there is clutter. Break it up into 2 forums atleast
- Forum for development discussions, coding tips, main branch discussions
- Mods in Development: One thread per mod. Hype your mod. Ask for help with your mod. Ask for tips with your mod.
- Released Mods: 1 thread per mod. Same as #2.
#2 and #3 can possibly be 1 forum. However, I think we will get alot more ‘working on mods’ then completed and released ones. I think people who release a mod would appreciate a separate place to advertise’
Package all mods into the main game, but have them turned OFF in the mod manager
- Cataclysm is a small download so there is little fear of it getting too big.
- Makes it easier for people to find mods so they don’t have to download
Enhancing Mod manager to make it easier to use with lots of mods in it
- have basic categories for mods. So when people people release a mod they give it a simple category. So we don’t get a big dump. Just list a few to start with.
Make them in alphabetical order - Have an ability to see descriptions.
- Top of description has an entry for an http link to the forum post with more details
- Mods can be added to this that are in development, but go in an ‘in development’ tab. This way its easier for mod developers to get testers
- Mod Developers can state which mods work well together. Possibly add a way that you click on this and you get the other mods that go with this one automatically turned on
- Mod Pack page: Mod Pack developers can test out mods together. You can enable these that are tested by clicking this and it enables all mods in the pack
- Need to include a latest version tested in the menu so you can avoid older mods that may not work. This would require mod developers to atleast update the version to see that its still active. You can check forums, but coloring it makes it eaiser.
Github including all mods
- WHat do the developers think the best way is to do this? Add a flag for ‘mods’ when people upload code?
- Goal is that main branch developers don’t manage this. Mod developers upload, manage has them set to off, and people can choose to use them, if they don’t work, they can be set to off. if there are alot of complaints, someone can change the color of a mod in red, if its known to have bugs.