Goo addiction

Afaik we do not have the means to do that. Probably would have needed lots more research.

It is unsetteling how these creature know how to do that from a plane they are not used to while we do not remotly understand it. Also this makes this all
much more complicated .Anyhow if it was able of such a feat its much more dangerous then i thought to begin with. Which also makes me question why there are survivors at all . I would realy love some expansion on the lore now for me to discover (seeing myself running through the nether searching for a way to murder the blob :3).

Even the most experienced and superhuman survivor would probably have trouble with staying alive in the Nether. Not only is the environment unsupportive of human life, but there are things beyond all imagination actively trying to kill you.

Sounds like lots of fun.

Sounds like lots of fun.[/quote]
Exactly. Start stocking up on oxygen canisters. We’ll go in together.

I ve got your back x3 (You realy make me remember how i d love a multiplayer for this game)

That goo would need to be the size of a molecule. I… kinda doubt it operates on atomic scales.

Then it wouldn’t even NEED to infect water supply, just jump from area to area via dimensional breaches.

Sounds like fun. Someone, add in armored spacesuits with contained air supply!
And then do thousand-shoggoth challenge while in one.

Also, doesn’t fire (and by extension, very high temperatures) wreck the blobs? Not a helpful way to cure someone, but a way to quickly build a stasis-Ark of various species, launch into orbit programmed to crash-land in a few million years, and scorch the planet down to the mantle so it at least doesn’t become Nether breach.

Stasis ark + Exterminatus sounds good, until

  1. the Blob that’s already in just about everyone survives the stasis

  2. the portals that let the Blob et al through in the first place likely improve thanks to the energy input from the Exterminatus (remember, bombing/nuking closed some portals and boosted others…)

  3. The Mycus in particular has some level of adaptation to fire, so it might do well in the interval

  4. Triffids, pretty much the best check on the Mycus, are by no means fire-resistant though

  5. Would you like some of my delicious berries, seeds, and gelatin?

[quote=“KA101, post:27, topic:7462”]Stasis ark + Exterminatus sounds good, until

  1. the Blob that’s already in just about everyone survives the stasis[/quote]
    Unless Blob has literally covered entire planet, wrong - just about entire Europe is uninfected and has at least some time to get people into isolation with lots of pure water and food. And then either put them into said stasis-ark destined to crash-land in the future when planet has recovered, or to be just sent off into space, bound for some not tainted planet.

Good luck portaling into a magma sea.

Can it wade through 1-2k­° C stone with atmosphere likely around 300 degrees, possibly saturated with fungal toxin, and irradiated, depending on how overprepared the Ark was? Last time I checked both triffids and Mycus really, really don’t like radioactive gas.

Speaking about Triffids, they’re also main contender in lag-and-annoyance-generation. Can a mod disable Triffid Queen’s ability to create HUGE PILES OF STICKS while on the move, leaving it to direct attacking only, or at least make said growing not produce items?

P.S. What the hell are breathers, by the way?

Would an exterminatus not render the planet uninhabitable anyway ? Whats the point xD

Destroying Nether critters, then waiting a few million to billion years (we’ve got five or so left, anyway) until it’s habitable again.

The Mycus would probably be wiped out (at least until things cooled down that is), however there are certainly some of the sub prime planes out there that would love nothing more than for our world to be converted into a volcanic wasteland (I’ve wanted to add lava labs ever since the ice ones showed up).

Don’t think of the Nether as a single dimension, rather it’s a cluster of dimensions that are on such a similar level that it takes almost no energy to travel between them. This is also why there is such a variety of nether critters and one of the reason many of them have developed some form of existing in multiple dimensions, because they have both a huge variety of habitats and easy access to dimensional transits. So while there are certainly a variety of nether critters that would find a lava world inhospitable, there is almost certainly an even amount that would love nothing more than if our world decided to warm up a few thousand degrees.

I can see it now “LavaCreepers” They sit in the lava, Tryin to sell you stuff.

i can also see a lava labs glitching and having the ambient temperature of the ice labs

You do realize that I’m giving Mycus mutants a fireproofing mutation? Immersion in lava would eventually be fatal, but the Spires have been fireproof ever since I’ve been around.

And someone tell Barhandar that Europe ain’t immune. No idea where that came from.

[quote=“KA101, post:33, topic:7462”]You do realize that I’m giving Mycus mutants a fireproofing mutation? Immersion in lava would eventually be fatal, but the Spires have been fireproof ever since I’ve been around.

And someone tell Barhandar that Europe ain’t immune. No idea where that came from.[/quote]
Spires are made of stone in-game. Stone melts. (Also, in-game lava kills you by overheating and cutting your feet and doesn’t set you on fire for some reason.)

Please do point out where I said that it is immune. They just have a considerable, depending on how fast Blob can spread through oceans and Syberia, delay before they’re getting infected, unless the Blob simultaneously breached containment all over the planet - which is undecided. And I’ve stated several times that it’s a delay, not blob-proofing.

The Cataclysm is global, there might be enclaves of uninfected humans (NORAD springs to mind, and probably some islands), but there are no large geographical areas that maintained their pre-Cataclysm status.

In the words of one of the greatest minds in all of British scifi television, "They’re dead Dave, they’re all dead.

Say, since Blobs spawned from goo canisters are friendly to you, does that mean you could potentially “breed” it and maybe start your own little friendly slime pit? Since the Blob is sentient, maybe making enough pro-humanity goo could “change” its mind?

Nice if it could be done, but damn, so many goo canisters needed .-.

What is “enough”? We don’t know how big the Blob is, or even if there’s only one Blob(please someone correct me if i’m wrong), and so creating enough to influence it’s mind could need spreading it even to other dimensions :confused: I guess it would be more feasible to be more ambitious with the “slime pit” idea, and create a friendly type of Blob, and use it to make the unfriendly kind weak while it fights against it.

Of course, feasible considering we are talking about dimensional war here, and most of mankind is still learning how to just stay alive to the next day…

Nice if it could be done, but damn, so many goo canisters needed .-.

What is “enough”? We don’t know how big the Blob is, or even if there’s only one Blob(please someone correct me if i’m wrong), and so creating enough to influence it’s mind could need spreading it even to other dimensions :confused: I guess it would be more feasible to be more ambitious with the “slime pit” idea, and create a friendly type of Blob, and use it to make the unfriendly kind weak while it fights against it.

Of course, feasible considering we are talking about dimensional war here, and most of mankind is still learning how to just stay alive to the next day…[/quote]


Post-threshold Slime mutants are more likely to be the “friendly slime” inasmuch as they can split off more slimes. Teaching the blob to be friendly via locking it in a metal canister, I’m not so sure about. It’s not clear whether it actively escaped containment in the labs (confinement => Unfriendly Blob) or one experiment managed to bring it in outside lab containment (confinement => not-so-unfriendly Blob) but in any event, I’m thinking that’d be a mechanical process, and previously Liberated blobs that noticed you canning blob globs would fairly quickly undo your work.

“Whee, I’m free! What a nice being–huh? they’re the ones putting us in these cans, just so we believe they’re friendly liberators?!”

Mixing a bit of goo and slime, there could be a mutation for the slime path that causes you to spawn blobs. The triffid infection code could probably be adapted for the purpose. Would likely be a post-threshold mutation, and could have a “friendly blob” check, so only so many can spawn, perhaps up to 10 (one per day) if you don’t lose the mutation. Resets on losing the mutation.

No point. Slimesprings are more effective. And sooo cute :slight_smile:

KA101 would prefer allowing the player to direct slimesprings and/or have them merge into larger versions, than have the player create significant quantities of pure XE037 for no readily apparent reason