Figured out what use the whispering tube does!

My best artifact so far is a staff that lets me see through walls and reduces my intelligence by three. I have plenty of intelligence so that’s not a problem. When activated, it heals me and spawns friendly bugs, then damages me to recharge.

I once found one that randomly shot lighting around. Too bad you couldn’t aim with it. Another one spawned bushes and trees :3 artifacts are life. Artifacts are death.

Only idiots use wallhacks.

I’m farming a fault right now, testing the artifacts in the mine. The good part about being Mycus is that I can’t be set on fire if my artifact decides to rain fire.

The worst thing about beeing set on fire for me was my clothes beeing burned down. I think mycus won t protect them right?

The worst thing about beeing set on fire for me was my clothes beeing burned down. I think mycus won t protect them right?[/quote]
Nope, it does. I guess Mycus Fireproofing emits a fine cloud of fireproof spores that also protect your clothing.

Thats amazing. xD
I would like to hear ka101 statement to this. Concerning the way it works. I am curious.

well i one time i saw in strange temple ring what make me invisible and draw netherworld attention witch ability to teleport what killed me

In my last world, I had the One Ring of Power. It made me invisible, made me hungry and thirsty, and made me feel an evil presence.