Feasibility on crafting own power armor?

[quote=“Muaddib, post:19, topic:8310”]I don’t see how a powerloader would be easier to make than an powered exoskeleton.

Especially when powered exoskeletons exactly like you find in STALKER already exist today. The difference between the real ones and the ones in STALKER is that the STALKER exoskeletons have magical infinite batteries.[/quote]

If I remember correctly the run off electrical artifacts, like the railgun.

Amen to that.

An alternative is medical exoskeletons maybe? [size=8pt](No military exoskeletons around because why would the military bother with exoskeletons when there’s power armour?)[/size]
A powered exoskeleton that goes onto the belt layer, can be powered with an UPS, and when powered removes -X encumberance points (at the cost of making noise)?
Doesn’t make you stronger, but it does allow you to fight in melee with a big dufflebag.

You can’t craft it, but you can “craft” your own “power armour” just by wearing it with the armour you want? Exoskeleton + ceramic plates, exoskeleton + hazmat suit, exoskeleton + plate armour, you get the idea.

It seems people are arguing over whether the power armor should be a gas-powered exosuit or a gas-powered suit of plate armor. Why not both?

Well, if you turn the exosuit into a powered “belt”, you can pretty much turn it into anything.

Seeing how explicitly this was stated to be impossible, and how unrealistic it is, while keeping in mind just how badly people want it, I suggest adding this into the game.

You put on your Makeshift Powered Armor You hear pistons and gears whizz as your powered armor powers up Your powered armor crushes you Your powered armor mutilates you Your powered armor scalds your face with steam Your powered armor breaks your leg You die...

The issue isn’t that if you make one you’ll crush yourself. The issue is that you’d probably need a thousand years of smithing tools to make tools to make tools to make tools to make power armour - it requires turning yourself into a one-man immortal civilization.

Like making a computer from scratch. It’s not hard to build a computer. But it’s near impossible to build a computer when you start with sticks, stones, sinew and spit.

[quote=“Muaddib, post:26, topic:8310”]The issue isn’t that if you make one you’ll crush yourself. The issue is that you’d probably need a thousand years of smithing tools to make tools to make tools to make tools to make power armour - it requires turning yourself into a one-man immortal civilization.

Like making a computer from scratch. It’s not hard to build a computer. But it’s near impossible to build a computer when you start with sticks, stones, sinew and spit.[/quote]The thing is, we aren’t. Just because the world has ended doesn’t mean all the infrastructure spontaneously blew up (as we can see)
We have characters who make working bionics from the fried remains of others, make targetted mutagenic compounds from scratch, build massive rolling armored supertanks from nearly scratch, and can build automated auto targetting turrets (with much higher quality than the military before the cataclysm), operate the cvd machine, make a working lit powergrid off of a minireactor in their home.
We have to take into account pre-existing infrastructute and tools, when deciding if something is feasible.
Also, wouldn’t there be civilian model exosuits too?

I imagine civilian model exosuits would be a bit of a stretch. That said, I can see industrial powered suits, honestly even more so than military ones. Likely in addition to powered ones, there would be passive systems that simply redistribute loads to increase the carrying capacity.

[quote=“Llamageddon, post:28, topic:8310”]I imagine civilian model exosuits would be a bit of a stretch. That said, I can see industrial powered suits, honestly even more so than military ones. Likely in addition to powered ones, there would be passive systems that simply redistribute loads to increase the carrying capacity.[/quote]ah, excuse me, i confused industry with covilian applications for a moment.
That said i wouldn’t be surprised if some rich people owned it.

I’d love a STALKER suit.

Go back and re-read the description of survivor armor.

Yep, the standard Sunrise suit seems to be in game as regular survivor armour, I presume the Bulat or Berill is replicated as the Heavy version.

I never realised survivor armour was intended to be a Sunrise Suit
I’m assuming a Survivor Gasmask is intended to be the mask that so often accompanies the Sunrise Suit, I’ve forgotten the name of it though.