Well… I’m not actually trying to contradict you here Kevin, but -depending on interpretation of the term ‘power suit’- that’s not really correct.
The US Gov actually succeeded in making a form of what they labeled ‘powered infantry armor’ in the early 70s, as an evolution to the Walking Truck.
That is to say, some kind of ‘powered armor’ is certainly doable with enough MacGyver-ing, but completely impractical.
It was large, slow (although roughly the same speed as humans), and cost(ed back then) as much in resources (and manpower) to build as a (then current) navy destroyer (roughly $800 million USD in 2014).
Although they threw an AT gun and Tank Armor on it, so it was definitely a different kind of cool.
The DoD took one look at the price tag and gave one big long run of ‘NOPENOPENOPE’, so the only existing prototype is floating around somewhere over there in New England (Natick or Aberdeen, I think).
I should, of course, point out that in modern times they would (and actually do) call that thing a walking tank (mostly as a ‘take that, Japan, we made Mobile Suits first’ jab… even though they’d be wrong [a mobile suit {Gundam is what they were jabbing at} is not a walking tank]), since it is fairly large and such armored.
I can give a bit of an explanation of how it worked - it’s mostly just proper placement of a bunch of hydraulics (which is in and of itself simple to speak of but complicated to actually build), frames, reinforced hinges, armor plating, and a few select servo motors, pumps, oil tanks, and batteries - but going that far is pointless here.
So, long story short, I can attest that such a thing would be buildable by a single person with only a year or two of study; assuming that the individual already had some form of previous experience (as several of the professions would, especially the mechanic, and this can be waived anyway due to how the game is set up) and could get their hands on the appropriate components (engines, motors, hydraulics, etc), but it’s just a different type of vehicle.
That being said…
Are you sure you’re not wanting a weaponized Kuratas? (Which was made by three people.)
Something to that effect is already doable.
To actually get it, we’d just need to further expand what vehicles are capable of.
Like being able to control when and what the mounted guns shoot and having some sort of attachment to pick things up off the ground.
…Unless those things are already in the game; I haven’t messed with vehicles in-game for several months now. (I’ve been mostly goin’ Rambo this whole time)