It is like saying “The only way I coud see Guglielmo Marconi making his own radio would be if he somewhat managed to break into Alexander Stepanovich Popov’s lab or factory, somehow found the complete schematics for every single part…” and so on. Technology is not a unique achievemnt: once the concept is known - anyone can create his own implemetation of this concept.
Good thing that I have abstracted myself from emotional reactions.
Correction. We want “makeshift” power armor / exoskelletons that are doable with the ability a civilian would have 30 years in the future and with resources of entire cities laid bare before him. That changes game a little, does it not?
[quote=“KA101, post:39, topic:8609”]Previous thread, happened last month even.
Answer was that a garage exosuit (not PA, basically a lifting frame) would be extremely resource-intensive to build and fuel, with little to no benefit: cost-ineffective.[/quote]
It seem that you have suffered a Critical Research Failure.
Let’s see:
Really? Are you really think that to make something that is “gasoline-powered” is easier that to to make something that uses electricity? Where did you get such idea? Compare this and this. Which one is easier to costruct? Which one is easier to scale down, to miniaturize?
Can you elucidate how exactly this can happen? I am not sure I understand what you are implying here.
By using more efficient motors and less heavy frame and armor.
Use bionics (aka Power Armor Interfaces). It is much like old telephones that used electrical current in cable to recieve both energy and information.
From where did you get that number - 50 years? And again - once concepts are nailed correctly, it is not as difficult to build the thing itself.
Steal? Come on now, techs for PA Interfaces are freely avaiable through common books.
What makes you think that a survivor have to build one in a cave with only a box of scraps? Once again - he have resources of entire city to build it.
Then military power armor should be of nearly no help in conventional fighting as well, since it is no less difficult to calibrate. In fact, military power armor should be vastly more difficult to calibrate (much like fighter jets compared to non-military planes) and it would probably have less functional tolerances.