Attachments for power armor

I know that lore wise the power armor was in the prototype stage (and some how can’t wear a messenger bag!), but there is no reason good ol’ @ can’t make modifications with items that already exist in game. We can install bionics to ourselves why not our equipment, or at least install something to it? Like gun-mods, or for more balancing make it an extra encumbering wearable item

Here is an example

Powered Armor Mounted Turret*

the skill requirements, tools, and components would be something like this:

Skill 1: Mechanics 7
Skill 2: Electronics 8
Skill 3: Computers 5
Skill 4: Firearms 4

Tool 1: screwdriver or integrated toolset
Tool 2: soldering iron (16) or integrated toolset (1)
Tool 3: hacksaw or integrated toolset
Tool 4: welding goggles
Tool 5: welder (40) or makeshift welder (40) or integrated toolset (4)

Comp. 1: Inactive Turret
Comp. 2: 8x copper wire
Comp. 3: Power Converter
Comp. 4: 2x pipe
Comp. 5: amplifier circuit
Comp. 6: transponder circuit
Comp. 7: 4x scrap metal
Comp. 8: 2x double magazine

How it would work:
Basically a wearable version of a friendly Turret, however you do not directly control it (I’m not against controlling it, but I’m sure others are). It behaves the same way . Since it draws from the same power supply (UPS, A-UPS, PA Interface) so if that power supply runs out it will stop functioning, and it becomes deadweight (probably 2.827 kg or 6+ pounds of deadweight). Naturally this can be toggled to on or off. It would have a ammunition capacity of 200, or more, and has the same 9mm caliber as the Turret. However reloading requires this device to be powered down and detached.

Additionally like most pieces of clothing, including the power armor, it can be broken if struck one too many times. If such were to happen it would do what other turrets do when they break in this game: Explode

*entirely inspired by War Machine

i think powered armor needs more love i really do

[quote=“hazerddex, post:2, topic:4926”]i think powered armor needs more love i really do[/quote]yeah, we should be able to mount NVGs or at least a flashlight. how about a jetpack?

its not like powered armor exist in real life or anything OH WAIT Powered exoskeleton - Wikipedia and for some reason we can’t even have messenger bags on them >_>

Well if you are being serious about the jet pack thing then I don’t think that could even be considered until z-levels are fleshed out.

on the other hand I do agree that night vision goggles or a flashlight should be pre-installed on the power armor itself, especially the flashlight (hell all that would require is duct tape and a flash light!)
But if IIRC you can wear light amp goggles* at the same time as powered armor, as well as a gasmask, it’s encumbering (which also doesn’t make sense it’s a powered exoskeleton, by nature it’s supposed to do the opposite.)

*I’ll go check that right now

i really haven’t worn power armor in the game. does it give you a +3 strength boost like in FO?

no the power armor in the game is worse than ones we have in real life >_>

1+ encomberace and the inability to put on bags that you should be able to put on

no the power armor in the game is worse than ones we have in real life >_>

1+ encomberace and the inability to put on bags that you should be able to put on[/quote]

Actually the implementation of power armor in this game is rather poor. A powered exoskeleton is supposed to enhance the wearers physical strength and/or assist the wearer in lifting and carrying things with little physical effort. Some are being applied right now to help paraplegics walk, such as the Indego Exoskeleton.

The powered armor in this game does almost the opposite, more often then not it hinders more than helps and strangely enough does not allow you to wear a purse, or a messenger bag. You can get a specialized back pack, but that’s compensation not justification.

Considering that this is a game that takes place in 20+ years from now i find it almost impossible to believe that this is the result of a last ditch effort, especially when you can literally install a cbm that gives you hydraulic muscles.

Why would it even be last ditch when its something the military has prototypes right now in 2014 20+ years before the events of this game?

kk guess i’ll wait to try it out until it’s better implemented.

[quote=“ZombieTermite, post:8, topic:4926”][quote=“hazerddex, post:7, topic:4926”]no the power armor in the game is worse than ones we have in real life >_>

1+ encomberace and the inability to put on bags that you should be able to put on[/quote]

Actually the implementation of power armor in this game is rather poor. A powered exoskeleton is supposed to enhance the wearers physical strength and/or assist the wearer in lifting and carrying things with little physical effort. Some are being applied right now to help paraplegics walk, such as the Indego Exoskeleton.

The powered armor in this game does almost the opposite, more often then not it hinders more than helps and strangely enough does not allow you to wear a purse, or a messenger bag. You can get a specialized back pack, but that’s compensation not justification.

Considering that this is a game that takes place in 20+ years from now i find it almost impossible to believe that this is the result of a last ditch effort, especially when you can literally install a cbm that gives you hydraulic muscles.

Why would it even be last ditch when its something the military has prototypes right now in 2014 20+ years before the events of this game?[/quote]

That’s a very good point.

Mainly because the game was started being written several years ago when said armors were mainly confined to the realms of science fiction, with the real ones being big, bulky, and unresponsive. :stuck_out_tongue:

That said power armor could certainly use a small fix to allow people to wear backpacks and such. The main difficulty just comes from the fact that backpacks are treated as a type of clothing. Probably a new flag would need to be added that determined if something would be power armor “compatible”, because else it’s almost impossible to differentiate from a trenchcoat and a backpack (especially with modding flexibility maintained).

Similarly it probably wouldn’t be too hard to add a temporary strength increase to power armor, though care would need to be taken to ensure that said strength increase did not factor into the player’s health (which makes it slightly more complicated to add).

That said power armor could certainly use a small fix to allow people to wear backpacks and such. The main difficulty just comes from the fact that backpacks are treated as a type of clothing. Probably a new flag would need to be added that determined if something would be power armor "compatible", because else it's almost impossible to differentiate from a trenchcoat and a backpack (especially with modding flexibility maintained).

If only I could code…

[quote=“Zireael, post:12, topic:4926”]

That said power armor could certainly use a small fix to allow people to wear backpacks and such. The main difficulty just comes from the fact that backpacks are treated as a type of clothing. Probably a new flag would need to be added that determined if something would be power armor “compatible”, because else it’s almost impossible to differentiate from a trenchcoat and a backpack (especially with modding flexibility maintained).

If only I could code…[/quote]

welcome to my world :frowning:

It’s not that hard to learn. :stuck_out_tongue: Seriously like 90% of it is just learning syntax and then staring at things other people did and trying to figure out how it works. I mean look at Rivet, she started with virtually no C++ experience and now is one of our main devs. (Similarly I’ve had a total of like 1 year’s worth of experience, only half of it with C++).

Alternatively if C++ still looks too imposing to you you might consider learning a new language first, like Python. Once you’ve learned one language it’s extremely easy to learn a second, and Python is one of the easiest languages out there to learn right now. Then once you’ve learned that you can come join us all in making Cataclysm a better game. :smiley:

Wait a second, does this means that by being tipsy all the time I get extra health points? Lets say my health was 56/70 would it be
56+x/70+x or just 56/70+x while Im drunk? Because if yes I think ill reconsider my position towards cheap wine

[quote=“John Candlebury, post:15, topic:4926”]Wait a second, does this means that by being tipsy all the time I get extra health points? Lets say my health was 56/70 would it be
56+x/70+x or just 56/70+x while Im drunk? Because if yes I think ill reconsider my position towards cheap wine[/quote]
…You actually might. I’m unsure if it recalculates HP after any strength gain/losses or only at certain times. That said if you managed to get a strength altering mutation while tipsy I’m pretty sure it would give you extra HP. :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“i2amroy, post:14, topic:4926”]It’s not that hard to learn. :stuck_out_tongue: Seriously like 90% of it is just learning syntax and then staring at things other people did and trying to figure out how it works. I mean look at Rivet, she started with virtually no C++ experience and now is one of our main devs. (Similarly I’ve had a total of like 1 year’s worth of experience, only half of it with C++).

Alternatively if C++ still looks too imposing to you you might consider learning a new language first, like Python. Once you’ve learned one language it’s extremely easy to learn a second, and Python is one of the easiest languages out there to learn right now. Then once you’ve learned that you can come join us all in making Cataclysm a better game. :D[/quote] if i could find the time but being in college with projects popping up left and right >_<

I know the feeling, my way of getting around it was to take a class on basic computer programming, which made me have to learn how or get a bad grade. :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“i2amroy, post:14, topic:4926”]It’s not that hard to learn. :stuck_out_tongue: Seriously like 90% of it is just learning syntax and then staring at things other people did and trying to figure out how it works. I mean look at Rivet, she started with virtually no C++ experience and now is one of our main devs. (Similarly I’ve had a total of like 1 year’s worth of experience, only half of it with C++).

Alternatively if C++ still looks too imposing to you you might consider learning a new language first, like Python. Once you’ve learned one language it’s extremely easy to learn a second, and Python is one of the easiest languages out there to learn right now. Then once you’ve learned that you can come join us all in making Cataclysm a better game. :D[/quote]

I know some Lua, but C++ scares me off… for some reason…

Mainly because the game was started being written several years ago when said armors were mainly confined to the realms of science fiction, with the real ones being big, bulky, and unresponsive. :stuck_out_tongue:

That said power armor could certainly use a small fix to allow people to wear backpacks and such. The main difficulty just comes from the fact that backpacks are treated as a type of clothing. Probably a new flag would need to be added that determined if something would be power armor “compatible”, because else it’s almost impossible to differentiate from a trenchcoat and a backpack (especially with modding flexibility maintained).

Similarly it probably wouldn’t be too hard to add a temporary strength increase to power armor, though care would need to be taken to ensure that said strength increase did not factor into the player’s health (which makes it slightly more complicated to add).[/quote]
(Warning just woke up, probably should try to not post this early and I know I can come across as be a bit of a massive asshole)

Not to be rude, but if that’s the case the game was also being written where the ability to grow gills, and hand held rail guns were also things of fiction. So I have some difficulty buying that one. Though I do understand the difficulty writing science fiction faces, our world changes around us constantly, exponentially so for technology.

However, you have no idea how unstressed and happy the rest of your response made me (that sounds very sarcastic, but it is not). The clothing issue would present a pretty hefting challenge as backpacks and the like* are not only a significant branch of clothing in the game in more ways than one, and altering them to work would require a lot of changes to in game.

The strength-health thing sounds like an issue for more than just implementation of powered armor in the game.

I also wanted to ask your opinion on my initial post for the power armor mounted turret
These questions in particular
A. Is it doable?
B. is it too over powered? (I can see a lot of potential cons, but I could come up with more)
C. Would you be interested in hearing other modifications and their crafting recipes? (I have a lot of ideas for this, most of it draws from already in game resources**)

  • I did notice that the tactical dump pouch could be worn on power armor as well as the holster, this is because they don’t actually encumber any of the body parts. Additionally could a solution be achieved with a better developed clothes layering system in the game?

** Prepare yourself for more shameless rip offs from Iron Man and Lost Planet 2 (I understand that game was really disliked please don’t judge me ;~;)