Enter a lab, and the first thing I get?


How we should continue this… thing?

I got a face full of 9mm rounds once.

Dude if you ever find a clothing named “Wolf Suit” by all means take it, it gives 50% heat to all body parts so you don’t get cold while sleeping, since when you have a cold you’re susceptible to cold it’s gonna be messy down there since it’s 14c or less…, or you could just take a royal jelly and be over with it :slight_smile:

i got the cold in like first 20 turns of the game. :stuck_out_tongue:

Right after picking up the backpack and setting up to go to the town.

[quote=“Flare, post:3, topic:2060”]I got a face full of 9mm rounds once.[/quote]I am not the only one it seems. I have a lab where the stairs are within the light radius of a turret. Barely made it out alive even though I am wearing kevlar and an army helmet.

Fir suits: The only reasonable way to survive the apocalyptic aftertones that is Cataclysm.

I still scoff every time I find one. But damn right, are they useful for keeping warm.

Disease Immune mutation FTW.

I go down 1 floor and go back up to get something and a bunch of mi-gos and brutes follow me up

Fir suits: The only reasonable way to survive the apocalyptic aftertones that is Cataclysm.

I still scoff every time I find one. But damn right, are they useful for keeping warm.[/quote]

Or you can just try equipping a blanket at night when you need to sleep.

I actually prefer a sleeping bag. Much more cozy, I would assume.

That, plus a bed, and you’ll be sleeping like a baby until the crack of dawn.

A true survivor sleeps in a sleeping bag on a bed while wearing a fursuit. AND SLEEPS LIKE A GODDAMN BABY.

Maybe because he would never wake up?


Lol, I got a gallon of bleach. Maybe the game’s also trying to tell me something.

Oh I also found the secret as to the origin of the zombie outbreak and those fucking triffids.