Draw Your Cataclysms

I tried studying it, however my butt is still insufficient. I demand a refund!

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I tried studying it, however my butt is still insufficient. I demand a refund![/quote]

I’ll take the butt.

Someone draw that.

That’s why I do toon doodles most of the time. It’s like regular art but without the high stakes of IT HAS TO LOOK RIGHT.

Inevitably I wind up spending thrice as long on the piece once I’ve started, but if that’s what it takes to get my arm drawing things, such is life. I really should try out landscape stuff at some point, it’s something I can do quite well when I bother to, but something I rarely ever feel inclined t-

Such. Is. Life.


I was expecting me yanking off Rivet’s butt. This is sufficient.

[quote=“Pthalocy, post:565, topic:441”]Inevitably I wind up spending thrice as long on the piece once I’ve started, but if that’s what it takes to get my arm drawing things, such is life. I really should try out landscape stuff at some point, it’s something I can do quite well when I bother to, but something I rarely ever feel inclined t-

Such. Is. Life.[/quote]

Marry me.

Talks for itself.

They’re always splatting everything with guts. However, it adds some drive into the game.


[quote=“trusty_patches, post:568, topic:441”]Talks for itself.

They’re always splatting everything with guts. However, it adds some drive into the game.

What armor is this guy wearing, if it has any correlation to the game. Also, we need a name for him!

Tactical helmet
Reinforced kevlar vest
Army jacket & pants
Metal arm guards(only left arm is fully covered, I explained that fact earlier, right - partially)
Metal leg guards
Metal gauntlets(left only)
Steeltoed boots
The weapon is the zweihander.

On the name… I used something random. But I call him Nick. Because that’s also my name, so it’s some sort of Mary Sue, heh.

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She’s gone now, but she sure had fun.

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Great art Quetzac and welcome aboard.

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Thanks man, might throw some pixel stuff up someday.

Really good work, Quetz!

Letting this here:


Second! If it looks like my icon or like me, it is just not a coincidence.


[size=18pt]Hey! That’s my butt! give it back![/size]

Stopsignal needs more highfives and maybe dollars.

| _) ) and you can have this back, man. (I’ll draw more silly things another day. Off to sleep for me!

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[quote=“Pthalocy, post:577, topic:441”]Stopsignal needs more highfives and maybe dollars.

| _) ) and you can have this back, man. (I’ll draw more silly things another day. Off to sleep for me![/quote]

Apart of you, no one gives a none of my drawings. D:

I might go to the corner, and try to not cry. D:

Stopsignal tries to not cry x5
Stopsignal cries!

You died… (more)

Start thread 5-6 months ago
Leave after a while on hiatus
See this

HOLY SHIIIIIIIT wow what goddamn holy crap huh?

Bwuh? Warg?

Damn nice work everyone. Never thought this would get this far when I started this. I guess I gotta start doodling again. Amazing.

A mouse drawing done in paint real quick. Will see what comes of messing around with the Bamboo and Artrage later.

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