So i’ve been trying to crunch some bugs in cataclysm++ since all the links for Bio-Weapon mod seem to down, but it seems like there’s a lot of missing code in the game for some reason. I’ve been amputating some of the irrelevant and “dead” code like factions and NPCs that don’t work (and that i’m uninterested in) which had been meeting with some success in that it doesn’t cause more errors, but it seems like there’s a bit of backlog to work through. I’ve manages to work through the game until its 50% or 75% complete in the loading process however.
One particular bug that has me stumped since it has no file location is : Error: line 101:33: unknown npc class
{ "item": "anesthesia", "x": [ 11, 12 ], "y": 19, "chance": 50, "repeat": 3 }
"place_npcs": [ { "class":
"bio_hunter", "x": 5, "y": 21 } ],
"place_vehicles": [
{ "vehicle": "welding_cart", "x": 4, "y": 20, "chance": 99, "fuel": 25, "status": 25, "rotation": 0 },
FUNCTION : bool main_menu::new_character_tab()
FILE : src/main_menu.cpp
LINE : 696
as well as the fact I don’t know what exactly it wants me to do and why anaesthesia is relevant to carts. Does anybody know how to fix up this?
Or failing that does anybody have any working copies of the bio-weapon mod? Becuase all online resources appear to be down for that particular file. I was only able to track this one down because I found it the bio-weapon mod was included in cataclysm++