Disclaimer: this is my first post on the forums, I apologize in advance for posting in the wrong section or suggesting stuff that was already suggested before; I figured writing a comment on the 175-page-long small-suggestion thread would be ignored so I decided to create a separate thread instead.
I’ve been playing C:DDA for a while and wanted to make a list of UI-specific changes that could be made to make dealing with certain situations much easier, and avoiding other ones entirely. I might update this if I find any more problems, but here it goes:
[ul][li]Weapon-wielding Notification for the Log
A message such as “You wield your [weapon]” or “You take your [weapon] out” could be used to notify users they wielded a different weapon (or an item) instead of simply changing the weapon-slot in the UI without any notice. This will (hopefully) prevent players from accidentally using the wrong item in combat because they were ambushed while looting or managing their inventory. I may or may not have almost died to a zombie because I wielded a pot instead of my makeshift crowbar, and while it was my own fault I think adding that extra UI element would help me and other players quite a lot. I mean, we have one for every action (apart from moving and opening internal menus), why not this too?[/li][/ul]
[ul][li]Go-to / Move-to Option in the E(x)amine Menu
The ability to move to the certain item or monster your cursor is currently on; useful for when its far away and you don’t feel like moving there manually. Because moving exactly 63 units to the North just to get that one rock is inconvenient. This action will calculate the fastest route and notify you of monsters nearby (if Safemode is on), as if you’ve walked to the item / mob by yourself.[/li][/ul]
[ul][li]uind Option for Construction Menu and the Extended N.Log §[/u]
I’d like to be able to find specific words (recipes in the construction menu) inside both of these; kinda self explanatory.[/li][/ul]
[ul][li]Optional UI Slot for Time-in-moves / Turns, Replacing [hh:mm:ss]
What I’m talking about is a system similar to the one used in DCSS, where the time is counted in turns, and every action you take (without moving) / your speed are counted and shown inside brackets along the actual real-time counter. For example:
Let’s say I start a fresh game. Each move costs (1) turn. Eating meat takes (5) turns. I move 7 times, then eat meat. It would look like this:
T:0 (1.0) [starting the game]
T:7 (1.0)[after finishing moving]
T:12 (5.0) [finishing eating meat after moving]
Here’s a visual representation:
Instead of the exact number before the bracket part, you can have that little picture thing that shows you an approximate time of the day, because not knowing the exact time is the whole point of not having a watch. Although I do think this way is better when it comes to taking actions, as the second/minute/hour system is a bit confusing, especially for new players. I still haven’t figured it out completely myself; I understand that every 6 turns = 1 in-game minute, but how do I know at which point my cooking/crafting process was stopped without having a watch? How do I know how long picking an item up takes? How do I know how long wielding or dropping items takes? Do I just have to guess like I guess the time in the day? Because if the player knows how long cooking/crafting something will take, or how long dropping/wielding an item is, why can I not know when that process stopped or finished exactly (or at least an estimate by counting turns)?[/li][/ul]
[ul][li]“The sunlight’s glare makes it hard to see”
This isn’t necessary. I realize it’s “realistic”, the sun glare being inconsistent and all (because of clouds), but there’s really no need to clutter the message log with those notifications every 2 turns. You could’ve at least made the color white instead of light-red so I wouldn’t worry about any other notifications under the same color. You could make the effect permanent as long as you’re outside (with the perception debuff, and as long as the weather stays the same), instead of applying it every other turn and spam the log.[/li][/ul]
[ul][li]Better (Extended) Mob Descriptions
The option to expand the short description of a monster or an animal in the e(x)amine menu to a more in-depth, perhaps even more lore-specific description on a different screen (could be (I) while examining a creature). The “long description” will expand the more you kill that type of creature, eventually providing you with info about exact (or approximate) health, weaknesses, armor rating, difficulty, items it may drop etc etc.
Angband did an extremely good job at creating such a menu, and it looks something like that: