Current Best way to get thread?

I used to disassemble rags when they existed but now disassembly gets 1 thread it seems.
Is there a tool required for unraveling clothing/sheets/patches or does it have to be made from scratch- and if so what’s the best way?

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Disassembling long strings from curtains to short strings and then disassemble that short strings to threads should works


With a screwdriver and a mechanics skill of one, you can get short rope from removing a seatbelt. Disassembling this will yield 1500 thread.


If you want enough plant fiber for life try cannabis each plant gives a lot of fiber at once, and if ya found someone else to watch your hoard you can make them do it. Plus its fun filling glass jars to the brim with weed. With a tractor and few seasons you may have multiple lifetime supplies

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u guys remember when you could disassemble rags for 80 thread each


Usually if I am in need of any sort of thread, I just find a house, get all the curtains off and keep the strings to then disassemble when required.

Otherwise, if you have the gun power to take down a moderately sized creature - a big bug, a cow, a moderate-to-big wild zombie/mutant creature - sinew is a great alternative to it.

If you want guaranteed thread (and different types of it), some clothing shops (the one that seems to be oriented towards soon-to-marry brides), craft shops and some crafting basements are great.