Crazy spawns after 1 season


I was always playing static spawn mode and I noticed that after 10-15 days into the game it gets absolutely impossible to be anywhere near the region with the spawning tile (fungal spire/triffid grove/anthill/swamp/river), because literally whole screen gets covered in monsters.

You can only drive around those regions hoping your car won’t break due to all the ramming.

Is that a bug or that is something intentional? Doesn’t seem like a legitimate game mechanic.

Is that situation different in dynamic spawn?

I’ve not seen anything so horrible in my game, although there are a lot of fungaloids around. There’s a spire to the north east of that area… Admittedly I have not checked what is around it up close…

I guess I could try now since I built a flamethrower.

I’m not sure about fungals/triffids but I’m pretty sure things like ants/mosquito and such are kinda always on dynamic spawn mode in which more spawn when a lot of noise is made (drive a truck through a spawn, be amazed!) So you being in the area for a while probably triggered more to be spawned.

Pretty sure you can indeed kill them all though, even on dynamic spawn. just gotta be persistent.
and kill things like the queen if dealing with ants, etc.

Static vs. dynamic spawn only affects zombies, not the other monster types.

And as mentioned, noise can trigger spawning, so if you’re driving through in a gasoline-powered car or firing an unsuppressed weapon, you’re liable to be triggering extra spawns.

Also, if you sleep in an area where critters are constantly spawning, they can build up to crazy numbers overnight.

[quote=“MarkB, post:4, topic:2810”]Static vs. dynamic spawn only affects zombies, not the other monster types.

And as mentioned, noise can trigger spawning, so if you’re driving through in a gasoline-powered car or firing an unsuppressed weapon, you’re liable to be triggering extra spawns.

Also, if you sleep in an area where critters are constantly spawning, they can build up to crazy numbers overnight.[/quote]

Yeah, I’m driving through these regions in a car at around 150km/h and there were THOUSANDS of monsters immediately.
I mean, this spawn-on-noise mechanic sounds nice on the paper, but the amounts I’ve seen were pretty damn ridiculous.

Unfortunately I died recently so I can’t provide a screenshot, but believe me, if your car breaks its an instant game over. Otherwise it feels like drilling through a screen of meat.

So basically, if you’re on a car, you get crazy spawns. If you’re on foot but are making noises you’re screwed. If you’re sleeping there, you’re screwed. And they’re spawning dynamically just in case anyway, even if you’re not doing anything.

I’ve been near anthill that had ants in around 15x15 map tiles, all covered with these insects - if areas with crazy spawning mechanic were small, it would be understandable. But they’re so big, you can sleep in a house just to find out there was a Triffid grove in nearby forest that you couldn’t see, so now you have mouthfull of triffids swarming the town.
Also, river. Good luck crossing that bridge.

I really hope it gets tuned down a little. Or more like, a lot.

Well, why on Earth do you think driving a loud car (I bet it didn’t even had a muffler) at full speed in an area with dangerous, mutated wildlife was a good idea?

You acted in a dangerous way, you reap what you sow. The stuff about spawning while you sleep is a problem though.

Speaking of mufflers, is there a benefit to using more than one on a vehicle?

There is a benefit to use one per engine. Over that, they’re useless.

Drive electric. It’s too late to save the planet, but it can save you - electric cars make practically no noise.

And the best thing you can do with things like fungal spires, triffid groves and ant hills is to steer clear of them until you’re fighting fit, tooled up and ready to take them on.

Looks like the issue is being solved, as in Experimental build there’s a “scaling factor” option that lets you set how massive do you want these spawns to be.
Not entirely sure it will help, going to check it out.

Actually the scaling factor isn’t hooked up to dynamic spawns at all, it adjusts static spawn density, so now you can have fun with towns with tens of thousands of zombies! (not exaggerating BTW, this is actually an understatement.)

Might look into hooking it up to dynamic spawns somehow.

As an example, here is a screenshot I took after porting into the middle of a city with spawn density set to 50:

[quote=“i2amroy, post:12, topic:2810”]As an example, here is a screenshot I took after porting into the middle of a city with spawn density set to 50:


[quote=“pingeee, post:1, topic:2810”]Hello,

I was always playing static spawn mode and I noticed that after 10-15 days into the game it gets absolutely impossible to be anywhere near the region with the spawning tile (fungal spire/triffid grove/anthill/swamp/river), because literally whole screen gets covered in monsters.

You can only drive around those regions hoping your car won’t break due to all the ramming.

Is that a bug or that is something intentional? Doesn’t seem like a legitimate game mechanic.

Is that situation different in dynamic spawn?[/quote]
Yeah. Can’t camp anywhere near an anthill these days (6~10 map tiles iirc) without waking up to a swarm of the little bastards.

That’s not crazy spawns though, that’s because you’re trying to camp and sleep too close to an anthill/spire/grove etc.

[quote=“i2amroy, post:12, topic:2810”]As an example, here is a screenshot I took after porting into the middle of a city with spawn density set to 50:

So badass he scares the dead into line with just a glance.