Crash trying to run on cheap laptop

i’m trying to run cdda on a hp mini with windows 7 32bit. its only got 1gb of ram hehe
the game crashes at start, window comes up black screen then freezes after a second going white and computer prompts it has stopped responding. my only guess is that cdda is tough on 32bit which i’m currently trying out compiling for the first time to get cdda for 32bit.

anyone got any tips or suggestions to get it running on the small laptop?

Switch the hardware acceleration option.

Make sure you have a sound card on.

Why compile when you can get an executable straight from the site?

The default is 32 bit, and I’ve had it running on my EEE 301 with 512 MB of ram. It’s more likely to be an issue with your video or sound hardware than the limited ram.

You should start with downloading the stable binary from website.

thanks guys, it’s working now :smiley:

i gave up on compiling, i dont have a head for it for now. thought it was 64 cause it was my path of troubleshooting and couldn’t prove otherwise. reading it is an option i looked around to find a config file. in there i searched for acceleration to find a setting SOFTWARE_RENDERING false. changed that to true
then googling it i found a very similar thread to mine hehe
who would’ve thought an ascii game would have trouble with rendering :stuck_out_tongue: