I’ve been trying to start this game for the past week, but unfortunately I keep crashing when launching the game executable. I’m not even talking about saves world or npc but basic game launch.
I downloaded the launcher version 1.6.2 (or the fork 1.6.7), and installed STABLE F-3 version with otopack soundpack.
Everything seem to work fine until i reassign keybinds, then it all goes down the hell road. Once I launch the game again I will get crash error with log copy pasted below :
The program has crashed.
See the log file for a stack trace.
CRASH LOG FILE: ./config/crash.log
TYPE: Signal
MESSAGE: SIGFPE: Arithmetical error
(dbghelp: @0x6b8e06[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x2b8e06]),
(libbacktrace: debug_write_backtrace(std::ostream&)+0x56@0x6b8e06),
(libbacktrace: 0x6b8e06 [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0x693336[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x293336]),
(libbacktrace: log_crash+0x526@0x693336),
(libbacktrace: 0x693336 [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0x694652[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x294652]),
(libbacktrace: signal_handler+0x32@0x694652),
(libbacktrace: 0x694652 [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: Mix_EachSoundFont+0x6055d@0x12c4aed[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0xec4aed]),
(libbacktrace: gnu_exception_handler+0xed@0x12c4aed),
(libbacktrace: 0x12c4aed ../gcc-5.5.0.build_/mingw-w64-v6.0.0/mingw-w64-crt/crt/crt_handler.c:269 _gnu_exception_handler),
(dbghelp: _C_specific_handler+0x98@0x7ff84cca7ff8[msvcrt.dll+0x27ff8]),
(backtrace_syminfo failed: errno = -1, msg = no symbol table in PE/COFF executable),
(backtrace_pcinfo failed: errno = -1, msg = no debug info in PE/COFF executable),
(dbghelp: _chkstk+0x11f@0x7ff84e09235f[ntdll.dll+0xa235f]),
(backtrace_syminfo failed: errno = -1, msg = no symbol table in PE/COFF executable),
(backtrace_pcinfo failed: errno = -1, msg = no debug info in PE/COFF executable),
(dbghelp: RtlRaiseException+0x434@0x7ff84e0414a4[ntdll.dll+0x514a4]),
(backtrace_syminfo failed: errno = -1, msg = no symbol table in PE/COFF executable),
(backtrace_pcinfo failed: errno = -1, msg = no debug info in PE/COFF executable),
(dbghelp: KiUserExceptionDispatcher+0x2e@0x7ff84e090e8e[ntdll.dll+0xa0e8e]),
(backtrace_syminfo failed: errno = -1, msg = no symbol table in PE/COFF executable),
(backtrace_pcinfo failed: errno = -1, msg = no debug info in PE/COFF executable),
(dbghelp: @0xb130dc[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x7130dc]),
(libbacktrace: main_menu::print_menu_items(catacurses::window const&, std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > > const&, unsigned long long, point, int)+0xd1c@0xb130dc),
(libbacktrace: 0xb130dc [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0xb13823[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x713823]),
(libbacktrace: main_menu::print_menu(catacurses::window const&, int, point const&)+0x503@0xb13823),
(libbacktrace: 0xb13823 [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0xb13ed3[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x713ed3]),
(libbacktrace: std::_Function_handler<void (ui_adaptor const&), main_menu::opening_screen()::{lambda(ui_adaptor const&)#7}>::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&, ui_adaptor const&)+0x33@0xb13ed3),
(libbacktrace: 0xb13ed3 [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0x11206ca[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0xd206ca]),
(libbacktrace: ui_adaptor::redraw_invalidated()+0x21a@0x11206ca),
(libbacktrace: 0x11206ca [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0xb17d55[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x717d55]),
(libbacktrace: main_menu::opening_screen()+0x505@0xb17d55),
(libbacktrace: 0xb17d55 [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: FT_Set_Named_Instance+0x73ae9f@0x1c6390f[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x186390f]),
(libbacktrace: main+0x166f@0x1c6390f),
(libbacktrace: 0x1c6390f [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0x4013bd[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x13bd]),
(libbacktrace: _tmainCRTStartup+0x23d@0x4013bd),
(libbacktrace: 0x4013bd ../gcc-5.5.0.build_/mingw-w64-v6.0.0/mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:341 __tmainCRTStartup),
(dbghelp: @0x4014cb[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x14cb]),
(libbacktrace: WinMainCRTStartup+0x1b@0x4014cb),
(libbacktrace: 0x4014cb ../gcc-5.5.0.build_/mingw-w64-v6.0.0/mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:197 WinMainCRTStartup),
(dbghelp: BaseThreadInitThunk+0x14@0x7ff84de97034[KERNEL32.DLL+0x17034]),
(backtrace_syminfo failed: errno = -1, msg = no symbol table in PE/COFF executable),
(backtrace_pcinfo failed: errno = -1, msg = no debug info in PE/COFF executable),
(dbghelp: RtlUserThreadStart+0x21@0x7ff84e0426a1[ntdll.dll+0x526a1]),
(backtrace_syminfo failed: errno = -1, msg = no symbol table in PE/COFF executable),
(backtrace_pcinfo failed: errno = -1, msg = no debug info in PE/COFF executable),
Replacing config files in CDDA / config (even in raw it doesn’t work) usually gets me different crash error, or the same.
I have been reinstalling that godamn game about 50 times in 7 days, with or without launcher, with different keybinds, removing any keybinds exclusive to my language for ones that exist in english and so on.
I chose stable version for a reason, i don’t install any mods (and in fact, i can’t even reach that step anyway).
The problem is that there a lot of keybinds in this game, and their choice are just plain atrocious even compared to usual games like this. I really need to customize those in order to be able to play.
As you can guess, 50 times and 7 days, which isn’t an exaggeration in fact, is insanely tedious and I’m loosing patience. I don’t think I will be able to hold on much longer and this post is about my last attempt for a solution.
Playing on windows 10, and again the game seem to work properly until I touch the keybindings options.
Should I install experimental for more stability ?