Cook's Special

Well, Cataclysm is semi-realism, an apocalypse happen in near future - there are laser and flaming sword, but an microwave trap with shrinking ray is just too over-the-board IMO, what’s stopping the player from crafting a shrink gun from those microwaves and process to shrink all the zombies down, saving humanity?

The same can be said about the high fantasy genre, there are orcs, elves, dwarves, undeads… but not flying-six-headed-giant-with-deady-gaze.

Or he’s eaten the pink tablets.

You’ve created zombies that crawl up your legs in your sleep and bite you!

The horror! D:

You’ve created zombies that crawl up your legs in your sleep and bite you!

The horror! D:[/quote]

Of course, by saying “to shrink all the zombies down” I mean “to shrink all the zombies down and stomp them all into bloody pulps” but yeah, I agree that mini-zombies are still very dangerous if left unchecked :slight_smile:

New game mode where you must flee from thousand strong swarm of deadly mini zombies. They do triple damage when they have surrounded you.

Shrink, stomp - that would be Duke Nukem Style.
Shrink, get solid steel cage, stick in, weld cage door - watch noodles being made.




Yep. Thread Necromancer. That’s me.