Continue damage and smoke

I dont understand the mechanics in the latest version. I have the july 4 daily.

  1. i kill a smoker zombie and i continue to have smoke effect and coughing for a reallylong time. how long does this last how do you treat this?
  2. I get damaged somewhere and I keep taking damage for a long time. I have to keep applying first aid over and over and ovr and over and again to keep from dying. I dont see an affect
    or any idea what is causing the damage. am i bleeding? How come i can add HP back and then lose HP again?

can someone advice. I am confused.

Wear a filter mask, a gas mask or a power armour helmet (requires power armour) to avoid getting smoke in your lungs. Smoke is bad for your health. I think you have to wait it out, but I am obsessive about avoiding smoke so I do not have much experience with it.

The game should announce it pretty clearly if you are bleeding.

how does bleeding part work? I never stop bleeding. I actually healed my torso up to full health twice. and I never stopped losing HP and i ran out of bandages/first aid kits. it was going on and on and on.

To stop bleeding, you have to use the “Stop Bleeding” entry in the bandage memu, or apply a rag (which has a chance of working).

oh so you dont just use first aid? and bleeding doesnt show up as an effect.

ok. got it now. thanks kevin.

what about coughing? how long does that last? does it do anything other than make noise? i see about filter masks to prevent. does anything help get rid of it once you have it? do dust masks help too?

If you walked into smoke without a mask, you are dead. Seriously, just give up then and there.

One of my characters took a total of 120 damage from just coughing, wasted all my bandages trying to save myself.

now im confused. i took damage only in my torso and i healed myself. so im not bleeding im taking smoke damage? there is no way to get rid of smoke damage once you have it. ok i got it now. this was not obvious.

do dust masks help? or just filter masks and power helmets?

i once inhaled smoke and spent 12 first aid kits and all of my bandages healing over 5 bars of torso damage. i literally stopped taking damage with no healing medicine left, and almost no torso health left. now i wear a gas mask everywhere i go, even though im an archer.

Clearly something is wrong because i have spent a long time in smoke before and didnt take nearly as much damage as now can some one check if something in the code broke.

I’m with nickboom on this one. I’ve frequently found myself up against a smoker without a mask, and I don’t think I’ve died once from the inhalation, let alone needed to use meds to heal. Maybe it has something to do with stats?

Filter mask ftw against smokers, and check yourself for radiation - if you’re losing health all over for no reason, that might be it. My most successful character died from rad poisoning, funny that it was he who emited all this radiation, thus basically killed himself.

[quote=“Bladerock, post:6, topic:2109”]If you walked into smoke without a mask, you are dead. Seriously, just give up then and there.

One of my characters took a total of 120 damage from just coughing, wasted all my bandages trying to save myself.[/quote]

I think it gets worse the more time you spend in the smoke. Smoke inhalation is extremely deadly in real life, so it does make sense. But if you’re fast enough it won’t kill you, and should wear off quite quickly.

After my first few characters died from smokers, I just started assuming that smoke from a smoker isn’t your normal everyday smoke.

Coughing rarely does more than 10-20 points of damage, even when I’ve inhaled smoke like 5x. You were probably bleeding, as smokers can hit you a lot before being subdued.

Bleeding is not usually trouble as you have 100% chance of ‘curing’ it with bandages, which are pretty commonplace and absolutely worthless as ‘healing’ until level 2 or 3 first-aid. Shortly after that you can start making them, but still, you should only be healing yourself in emergencies, if you’re using lots of healing you’re probably going about things poorly.

I’m more frustrated with the infection mechanic. I think they at least tweaked it so you can only disinfect things which are infected, but bleeding can stop naturally, I don’t think there’s any way outside of disinfectant to treat infections, and it’s pretty rare. On the other hand I think if you notice you can cauterize wounds to prevent it, but a deep wound is only a single message. If I get into a melee scrap I usually try and cauterize myself just in case.

[quote=“pingpong, post:14, topic:2109”]Coughing rarely does more than 10-20 points of damage, even when I’ve inhaled smoke like 5x. You were probably bleeding, as smokers can hit you a lot before being subdued.

Bleeding is not usually trouble as you have 100% chance of ‘curing’ it with bandages, which are pretty commonplace and absolutely worthless as ‘healing’ until level 2 or 3 first-aid. Shortly after that you can start making them, but still, you should only be healing yourself in emergencies, if you’re using lots of healing you’re probably going about things poorly.

I’m more frustrated with the infection mechanic. I think they at least tweaked it so you can only disinfect things which are infected, but bleeding can stop naturally, I don’t think there’s any way outside of disinfectant to treat infections, and it’s pretty rare. On the other hand I think if you notice you can cauterize wounds to prevent it, but a deep wound is only a single message. If I get into a melee scrap I usually try and cauterize myself just in case.[/quote]

I find cauterisation works fine on everything, except advanced infections.

I think I had two infections, and then I got two more which I was unable to cauterize but still had an infection.

Just as a quick note, infections are in my experience only caused by deep wounds, which show up as a status effect similar to pain. This would be the time to cauterize/clean the wound, as it completely removes any chance of infection.

Only two states of infection you can cauterize are Bite Wound and Painful Bite Wound… Only thing that saves you later is royal jelly.

How to avoid inhaling smoke when crafting using ‘nearby fire’?

Wear filter mask or gas mask, I went all the time with filter mask, and had no problem with smokers ever since.