Cold temperatures, frostbite, and windchill are all broken


As far as I can tell, not only is body temperature broken on a mechanical level (Feeling only Chilly in 31 F weather with 29 mph winds while completely naked) but Frostbite simply never occurs even in the worst case scenarios. Furthermore is that there is no hypothermia mechanic to speak of. All in all, cold temperature is nothing more than a nuisance - an annoyance, rather than something that can actually kill you. I’m pretty sure this needs to be fixed by the time 0.D comes out. The idea of being able to go out, at night, during winter, in New England, completely naked, and to be basically okay is…not only stupid, but goes against the spirit of the game.


cold temperature is downright fatal in CDDA. that it is somewhat lacking in the fine tuning aside, anyone starting as a -3 to 2 point profession and not in a shelter would know how awful frostbite is. And yes, frostbite as in your parts going numb, you moving slowly and shaking, and you taking cyro damage. One of the few ways you can take cyro damage in the game in fact.

check in ice labs-worked last time i played.other than that cold weather is trivial aspect to control and i have far more problems with hot weather.

Could be some recent change breaking them

actualy cold can kill you but you must be already near dead to have a chance to die, cold cause some damage