I’m using the chesthole_iso tileset from the recent experimental, and the vehicle parts look odd. It took me a minute to figure out why, it’s because they don’t rotate. I realize that will require more work than simply rotating a sprite, so I’m curious if you have any plans for them in the future?
Sample, notice the wing mirrors, quarterpanels at the corners of the two leftmost vehicles, frames on the solar cars. When driving the solar car it’s very noticeable due to the exposed frames.
Absolutely love your work, thank you so much for all the efforts you put into giving us a better immersion! I was about to comment about those exact two things but it seems you are already working on them <3
Also do you hold any kind of dev update site or blog or whatever where you put patches updates for everything you do? Like a list of latest versions and upcoming changes? Or is it all happening in this thread?
I like your tiles and graphics, but I’m curious about the ChestHole32 compared to the Chesthole variant. What I’m seeing is the grass and other things look blurry compared to the regular Chesthole set.
Is this due to the game up scaling the images or something? The character characters seem crisp, while lots of other tiles just seem to be blurry.
One small detail, the used/discarded cigarettes on grass seem a bit out of place. They seem to be every 4th or 5th tile…immersion breaking =/
@chezzo : I found an untiled floor tile - “.”: “t_concrete_floor”, . It makes a really weird hall of mirrors effect.
It’s used a lot in the more locations mod.
In the 32 tile set, the 120 mm cannon sprite is missing, dunno if its up to you or the tank mod. Also a question about your sound pack, do i have to do something other than unzip it and drop it into the sound file?
RM13 armor has sprites for when it’s laying on the ground, but doesn’t appear on the player sprite when worn. Looks like it just needs overlay references to the existing sprites - they look like they’d work fine on the paperdoll already - but I’m not sure since I’m not that familiar with tiles.
Awesome, thanks everybody, I did those things. I got that awesome Rivtech armor in, I added that concrete floor tile. I made the ground not blurry in 32, and I lowered the incidence of the litter tiles.
TheKobold, I could not find what you were talking about, Was it this? That is a mod, but I do intend to do mods soon.
I also got iso tables in, lots of iso tiles, tiles for lots of newly added stuff, and I am about half way through doing iso cars.
[quote=“Chezzo, post:233, topic:8933”]Awesome, thanks everybody, I did those things. I got that awesome Rivtech armor in, I added that concrete floor tile. I made the ground not blurry in 32, and I lowered the incidence of the litter tiles.
TheKobold, I could not find what you were talking about, Was it this? That is a mod, but I do intend to do mods soon.
I also got iso tables in, lots of iso tiles, tiles for lots of newly added stuff, and I am about half way through doing iso cars.[/quote]
I wasn’t veiling a request for better quality as much as I was really curious what the cause was. But next time I can grab your latest version, I look forward to it =D
Another HUGE update for everybody. The latest pr, Mags, Mutations and Monsters gets us back to no ASCII, and allows me to work on some mod content. (I did the mags for mods!)
BrackDiesel did some great tiles for this one (swag bag, pumpkin, haggis, the best hickory nuts ever seen in gaming, bone shard, whistle, ice axe, and a freaking amazing sobrero). And I used some more of egomassive’s great tiles (entrenching tool, plastic bag, newboy cap. Thanks guys.
Here is the PR, and you can get the .zip here. 24 and iso versions are coming up.
Here are some of the new mutations:
I also redid some hats:
Here are some in the game, egomassive’s newsboy and BrackDiesel’s sombrero:
What mods should we do first? Could you guys post your mutated characters so I can see how I did?