Cataclysm: Tile Days Ahead


You are very talented, please stop wasting your time on this dispute. It’s getting a little ridiculous.

This is LazyCat, continually spamming the board. Going to just leave it up, but if I get a moderation request in here going to lock and delete every post below this one and just leave it here to be looked at.

It’s called ban dodging. “B A N D O D G I N G.” Try to remember. That, in addition to your tendency to flip out whenever given the slightest criticism, is why you keep getting re-banned.

I don’t think you’re a troll, you’ve poured a lot of time and effort into your version clearly and made it playable. The effort in this is far above what someone who is looking for a quick laugh at the expense of another would put into it.

You can try to keep pretending it doesn’t bug you in your posts, or pretend the dispute hasn’t happened, or that you don’t know what I’m talking, or that you really have legitimate reasons to protest, but nobody believes this, I don’t believe this, and I really hope you’re just being defensive and don’t genuinely believe this too.

We all know what happened in your thread. It’s no secret that you and everybody else who commented got pretty heated up as it unfolded, and your parting comments here and in in the kickstarter thing made it pretty clear that you weren’t all that happy about how things went.

I’ve done what you’re doing now. Doggedly giving “reasons” why something sucks over and over again hoping that having the last word or getting them to say “you win” will have value and make me feel better, and that my feelings are masked by the “reasons” I give. Those two words are not worth a shit, and people don’t need to be told explicitly to have an accurate estimation to how people really feel and why they are doing something. This level of vindictiveness is just not healthy; routinely going to a place everyday where you knowingly aggravate yourself isn’t a good way to spend your time. It sure wasn’t a good way to have spent mine.
Just leave this thing alone, go do something you actually enjoy.

I really hate that this guy is banned, because this would be a nice addition to DDA, and he doesn’t release source :frowning:

No deal, sorry LazyCat. Not happening.

I posted a general review over at B12, but the thread got pruned. The general tune was that the lag between keypress and movement is very high, the terminal size is huge and unadjustable, and the ascii portions have a large amount of space between characters. I can post my full review of my time with the game, if you all don’t mind.

I’m cool with it, and it would be good to have a full review of the current build. I am partial to the “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” review formatting style, but I’ll leave that as dealer’s choice :smiley:

I pretty much just started playing and noting things as I ran through a quick 20 minute game. Anyway, here it is.

Well, I’ll give this a try. First thing I noticed is that the initial size of it is wider then my screen and there is no way to resize the actual window.

Second thing. Tutorial mode crashes the game.

Third thing. There is no way I can tell to create your own character from scratch. You are stuck with selecting the Old Snake template. Fortunately, you can fix that once you select it. However, the other options, custom and the other one, are visible but unable to be selected.

Next, there are graphical artifacts on the character select screen, not sure on others. Character select is standard Cataclysm fare, 10 point build, with no new traits from the pre DDA branch.

First thing I notice, interface is clunky. Everything has more space between it, for no apparent reason that I can discern. In addition, the chat boxes that list the new skills the survivor has have no message for how to get rid of them. The esc key is the one you are looking for.

I notice the option to switch between tiles and ascii, and do so. Ascii mode suffers from the same everything really spaced out effect the rest of the display suffers from. Tiles is meh, the icons on my screen are fairly small and can be hard to distinguish.

Next, start to move. First movement immedatily brings up a prompt asking me if I REALLY wish to step up onto a bench. Decide not to, and move around away from the bench. Significant movement lag as opposed to DDA.

Crafting menu is standard C:DDA fare. So is the construction menu. Font is grating and very harsh.

Turns out ANY movement that would slow you is given a warning. Stepping into a bush gives the same as a bench.

One fun thing is you can DYNAMIC ENTRY into rooms, smashing through doors instantly with a leap.

Raided some houses. Items use ascii icon, can be hard to tell what things are against the tiles.

Found horde. Fresh zombies are new. Faster then you are, even with fleetfooted and quick running down the center of the street. Also, Parkour Expert seems to do nothing.

Found a gun on a zombie, and raided a gun shop for bullets. Aiming mode. Adjusting the cursor lets zombies move, as though you yourself were moving. Even keeping a bead on a zombie is difficult, as lining up multiple shots in a row can cause the zombies to move 3-4 squares to each of your shots.

Overall evaluation. Some semi decent additions that I’ve found so far. Jumping has potential, but overpowered and just seems to be a quicker long distance movement method. Kicking I haven’t tried much of, but seems useful, though I have doubts about the actual ability to kick a bench into someone and have it knock them back. However, the incredible lag in every action, the HUGE console that extends past both sides of my screen, the muddy tiles and tiny sprites which are hard to distinguish, and the forced selection of a single character template instead of allowing full clean creation from the get go weigh heavily against this. Fix the lag, the muddiness, and the MASSIVE console screen that you can’t adjust, and this might be worth another try.

It’s at least 10x faster and smoother than DDA as many people confirmed on many different versions of Windows. In case you are talking about auto-repeat key delay it is actually half than in DDA. So if you are indeed telling the truth and are not hallucinating something must be wrong with your computer.

You can adjust screen size in OPTIONS menu.[/quote]
First, Cataclysm DDA runs MUCH faster then your version. I would be interested in seeing your sources who can confirm that. There is a DISTINCT .1 second delay between keypress and movement. That doesn’t sound like much, but over 10000 keypresses it adds up quickly. My computer is pretty much brand new, plays DF and Minecraft with no issues, and all other roguelikes play with no lag at all. Just your version of the code.

Second. Yes, you can. However, it is still twice as wide as a standard console, which would explain why all the text is so spread out. This doesn’t make any sense at all, as there is no new information being presented on the screen.

Key auto-repeat and starting delay is defined like this:

DDA code:
SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(500, 25);

MGS cpde:
SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(300, 15);

-“Enables or disables the keyboard repeat rate. delay specifies how long the key must be pressed before it begins repeating, it then repeats at the speed specified by interval. Both delay and interval are expressed in milliseconds.”

So you see my code cad only do it faster, and therefore if you indeed get some lag something must be wrong with your computer. Delete save folder, close browser and other programs just in case and try again.

Second. Yes, you can. However, it is still twice as wide as a standard console, which would explain why all the text is so spread out. This doesn't make any sense at all, as there is no new information being presented on the screen.

Impossible, it’s exactly the same as in DDA. What is your resolution? Is your 64-bit Windows? Which one? Maybe you just need proper 64-bit SDL libraries you can download from my original thread,[/quote]
I can post a screen shot if you’d like, for the second bit. Your console is twice as wide as DDA’s. However, I have to go to sleep so I can get a few hours before work in the morning, so likely won’ be for a while.

To the first bit. Its not REPEAT presses. It is the initial single press to move one square that is slower. Not holding down the key. Holding down keys in roguelikes gets you dead. So no, your code is not automatically faster.

I think I find the ascii version more readable, honestly. This one’s a little big for my taste and I find the important elements don’t pop quite as well as they do in ascii. Possibly because the ground textures are all quite strong, whereas the ascii terminal tends to be much darker, with zombies and such being brighter on the screen.

This is awesome that you’re doing this, LazyCat.

Don’t start a dispute in the forum, or you’ll be putting it to waste.

If people think there are flaws, I’d think it’d be best to at least consider them.

[quote=“kilozombie, post:14, topic:2250”]This is awesome that you’re doing this, LazyCat.

Don’t start a dispute in the forum, or you’ll be putting it to waste.

If people think there are flaws, I’d think it’d be best to at least consider them.[/quote]
why bother lazycat wont listen. . . I believe were dealing with an impossible person and the best way to deal with them is to not acknowledge them.

[quote=“stone94, post:15, topic:2250”][quote=“kilozombie, post:14, topic:2250”]This is awesome that you’re doing this, LazyCat.

Don’t start a dispute in the forum, or you’ll be putting it to waste.

If people think there are flaws, I’d think it’d be best to at least consider them.[/quote]
why bother lazycat wont listen. . . I believe were dealing with an impossible person and the best way to deal with them is to not acknowledge ban them.[/quote]
Fixed for you.

Edit: LazyCat , you have added some nice features for the game , too bad they’re on the wrong game.

I have 0 problem with MGS existing, and wish LazyCat all luck with being productive and successful with it. If anyone wants to discuss it on the forums, that’s perfectly fine.

However, LazyCat has been actively harassing and slandering DDA and its developers for the past month, to a point where it would be legally actionable if anyone affected were willing to put up with the hassle involved. There is no reason to allow toxic users like LazyCat access to the forums, and I for one will delete any and all posts he makes and ban any accounts he makes.

Just FYI, he has made multiple accounts here, on the bay12games forums, on newnet, and on Kickstarter to harras us, spread misinformation about DDA, and spam about his fork.

Oh GODDAMNIT, he saw my damned email and he be spamming my Gmail account.


Graphics look nice, but there is some definite issues going on. First off, on my resolution of 1280x1024 the terminal on it’s lowest width is just slightly larger then my screen (talking like a few pixels off screen). Playable, but kind of annoying. Secondly, as mentioned before there is a slight delay in the key presses. Third, anyone else have the bug where when they try and use the cursor on the name change in character creation random letters appeared instead of the cursor moving??? Fourth, anyone else have trouble even getting into the character creation menu?

All in all, it looks really nice (props to you for getting graphics working) but generally I find it more or less unplayable. That being said, in a few releases it might end up working out for the best. It would also be really awesome if you submitted the graphics tile code you used to the game, allowing us DDA users to get it too :slight_smile: