Cataclysm DDA 0.6 "Samedi" released

I think the labcoat I dropped disappeared, I was fighting a spitter at the time and never left my square of loot. :stuck_out_tongue: not sure if it melted or got overwritten by 5 tile.

Yeah, items get dissolved in acid I believe. Hence I’ve seen spitters drop items, but said items disappeared after a little while in the acid.

That labcoat was my friend :c

A text confirmation would have been nice, but I can see immediately how that would get horrible with things rusting in acid rain. Hurmm. Good to know though, thank you.

Spitters are my least favorite zombies because of that acid nonsense. Not only can they sometimes spit so you can’t avoid stepping in nasty acid pools, but their spit melts useful stuff, and when you kill them, you get absolutely nothing.

Shockers are way cooler. CBMs for the win.

Is it possible to harvest the acid before it degrades? Because, see. …well. I like collecting caustic stuff okay.
[size=8pt]I realize we already have batteries and acid rain, but a thick acid pool instead of a corpse that I could scoop up would make me happy. Maybe I’d need something appropriate for scoopin’.[/size]

If i remember, you can’t. It would melt th container, anyway.

Glass containers to hold acid spit, Dev’s Plz

Irl I know it depends on the acid, but some have to be stored in plastic because they can degrade glass. Others, vice-versa. Assuming it’s super-strong zombie barf, it’s hydrochloric. IDK I should probably start a thread about this elsewhere haha.

Fantastic update as always!!
Although I love all the new changes, I’m really not that sure about pulping. I get that you have to go to more effort to make sure they’re dead and if you have to run away before you can pulp then they’ll be back, but I’ve never really found it a problem to do so.

Either you kill everything and then have plenty of time to pulp or the threat was so big you had to run away, so it’s no big deal that you didn’t manage to pulp a few.

I’m unsure what the answer is, but at the moment it just seems like a tedious task (even if the flavour is good) of having to walk back through the trail of (un)dead to make sure you’ve pulped them all before you move on.

That’s a good point, I’m thinking the least we can do is make the smash action take a variable amount of time, and generate a different description based on how hard it is, but always work with a single action. This might also be a good place to put a “Smash until corpse(s) are pulped? Y/N” prompt.

It would be a definite improvement - the mechanism itself is good, it’s just time consuming (especially when you have 10 or so zombies to find and pulp).
Would it be possible to not have it as a prompt? could there be a pulp button? I’m not a huge fan of prompts as they seem to take away from the flow of the game, but perhaps a different button would be more work/an annoyance.

I think that some zombies should get greatly damaged with some kind of hits (for example hits on the head with a metal bat), so you only need some hits to end the zombie. But i like the pulping zeds thing.

I like where Binky is going with their ideas. I feel somewhat similarly to these y/n prompts. In some cases, very appropriate. In the case of dealing with dead aftermath, mmmnot so much. I already hop over every corpse checking for loot. Having to y/n over them all seems counterproductive to speeding up the player-interaction end of the process. In-game time taken is another matter, I like the idea to vary in-game time spent pulping. That increases threat of interruption by early-rising zeds and other nasties.

If zeds were scaled back in number and made individually harder/hardier (something I fully, fully support) then prompts would be fine, but at the moment I feel it would be too jarring as you’re going to have to do it 5-6 times for each foray and having to go through so many prompts is a bit time consuming.

I’d say just add a button (if there are any left!) or make it assume that you want to pulp if you (s)mash whilst there are no enemies in view.

Yea, the question is whether there are any buttons left… It’s very easy to solve all your UI problems by using more buttons, until it isn’t any more :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s why some roguelikes have extended commands. :stuck_out_tongue:

I just dislike that we can butcher them instead of smashing them because it defeats the purpose of smashing them.
I also dislike the smashing them repeatedly…
What if… When you smash a body it makes it take time (Like reading a book but of course much less time, you know it skips time)
And make it you can’t butcher unless you’ve smashed them to a pulp… LOL, because butchering them defeats the purpose of smashing them… Really, it is for me, is the decision of lvling my melee or survival skill…

Change little q to save and keep big Q to suicide, make big S pulp? (like a bigger smash).

This solution feels hacky and not the best, but I suggest it anyway because what good is judging the worth of an idea without second opinions?

I was going to post it but Dzlan posten before. It is the same as butchering. If oyu dont want to smash the dead zeds, just butcher them Dont cry like a little girl ._.

[quote=“Pthalocy, post:78, topic:1861”]Change little q to save and keep big Q to suicide, make big S pulp? (like a bigger smash).

This solution feels hacky and not the best, but I suggest it anyway because what good is judging the worth of an idea without second opinions?[/quote]

This sounds like a pretty good set-up. I’d prefer not to add more buttons, but as pulping is now a big part of gameplay it’s probably worth it enough to have a button for it.

Butchering is fine, but it adds a lot of extra (mostly junk) items scattered around which isn’t idea, and you also have to be on the zombie to do it, which is annoying if they’re stuck on barbed wire.