Cataclysm DDA 0.6 "Samedi" released

I’ll dedicate my time to it only when you say it’s the final pull.
The previous SDL one I’m playing is plain and simple - too much fun. :smiley:

I agree, ants are much weaker. Accidentally held down a movement key with safety mode off and beat a giant ant to death with my fists and only 1 Unarmed skill.

How do you pulp a corpse to prevent it from rising? I can’t work out how, which is annoying when trying to clear out a town. >.<

Where’s the full changelog? I can’t seem to find it.

"s"mash it. It may take multiple tries depending on your strength and weapon.

AFAIK, there is none, you’ll have to check the commit log and look through every one.

There is a changelog in Data folder. Last Cata I played didn’t even had this 0.something number… Fell out, now I’m in awe about everything. Advanced inventory especially, really makes sorting stuff easier.

As soon as we can find someone willing and able to compile it.[/quote]

Are you serious? Isn’t CodeBlocks supposed to be OS versatile?
I mean, if GW is out there, there must be some compiler for lx/win that does the thing for mac.

As soon as we can find someone willing and able to compile it.[/quote]

I can compile it for OSX if someone would tell me if this is bad: In order to compile it I had to remove this flag from the WARNINGS variable in the make file “-Wno-psabi”.

Ok. I’ve made an osx build, though i would love for at least one other mac user to test it. I’ve put it in dropbox here: If I can be of more assistance let me know.

Butchering keeps em from rising too.

That’s great!!!

What the heck does “Samedi” mean?

Actually the problem i had turned out to be a minor bug, the game only crashes and prevents you from loading and creating new worlds if you go to the options and set the amount of in game minutes between each auto save to 0 minutes that is the only thing that will ruin your game as far as Ive found out. So far no problems with the NPCs what so ever.

Just tried the new update. Nearly died by Jabberwocks, survived by chugging Adderall then looting a shotgun and some explosives.

It took a frag and 6 BLOODY SHOTS from the Remington to take it down, but HOLY HELL that’s a lot of meat. Now, if only there were some of the truly powerful guns in the game, like a S&W 500 or Barette (excuse me while I butcher the spelling) .50 cal. For now, I’ll just spam grenades.

Also, I see the performance has been improved. I love you guys! Now I can actually play on my laptop!

If I wasn’t a poor highschooler I’d totally donate to the Kickstarter. I’ll bug my grandparents to do so, though. :stuck_out_tongue:

This new version runs great! It seams however that the zombie spawn rates have risen to the point where I can’t play play for over 3 minutes without being over ran. Is there any way to change the spawn rate?

is there a free VM or something simple someone on a mac can run to run the game either in windows or regular unix? Will a free unix emulator work? if so, then it might be easier to have a link to it with a note on how to run this on Mac.

You could open up the monstergroups.json file with wordpad. It’s located in your CataclysmDirectory/data/raw.

Pretty sure it allows you to alter spawns, but it’s a bit confusing, too.

Thanks Nighthawk im gonna try that

There should be a Mac 0.6 version up a little later tonight.

Uh, it’s only me or I can’t craft bows anymore?