Can someone link me to the latest GRAPHICAL version of Cataclysm?

Im working on a tileset too. I have a topic in the forums. Mine will probably take a lot longer than Deon’s. -How do you do it so fast?-

Because hes magic dun dun dunnnn xD

I generally take the massive damage during the attempt of this. I assume blades are crap against them.

Anyway Deon I’m not sure exactly what changes you made in the version of Cataclysm you linked to, but I’ve tried it out now and holy crap it’s an amazing improvement on the original game.

Especially having stackable items! And the bigger screen size.[/quote]
Thats Whales’ Version of Cataclysm, he just made a tileset for it. (I assume anyways.) but its the version before DDA, its basically the Father of DDA[/quote]

Huh. Well, that’s confusing. Because I downloaded another version of old Cataclysm with a tileset and it lacked the stackable inventory and had a really small screen size… I guess it was just an older version?

Any updated info on when this will be released? And when it does, will there be a post of the frontpage or will it be slipped into a nightly build.

Sorry, just got back from Iowa last night later than expected so wasn’t able to work on getting tile support finished up. I’ll be spending today working on getting everything finalized.

possable links to said tileset goodness? :stuck_out_tongue:
If its not too complex to adjust it to the new support id love to make it my first one mate

Hey guy’s, today i found this very interesting roguelike and i was like : "oh shit its huuuuugggee"
But ASCII is not really my style so could you please link me to another version with tiles for linux( even if it is older , i don’t care … ) because i can not run the dda version for linux .
I don’t know why because the old version in ASCII works like a charm but the dda does not…
Thanks alot for your future help and contribution !

Oh god here we go again. There’s a huge thread in the bunker about someone who asked the same question. Let me find it…
Found it! Here.

I asked for linux and there is nothing for linux in your thread !

Yes, exactly. There isn’t anything for other platforms either. Tileset support isn’t finished yet.

[quote=“TheFirstOne, post:67, topic:2547”]Hey guy’s, today i found this very interesting roguelike and i was like : "oh shit its huuuuugggee"
But ASCII is not really my style so could you please link me to another version with tiles for linux( even if it is older , i don’t care … ) because i can not run the dda version for linux .
I don’t know why because the old version in ASCII works like a charm but the dda does not…
Thanks alot for your future help and contribution ![/quote]

Official support for tilesets is due in the upcomming week. Other than that i think theres a unnoficial tileset version for cataclysm somewhere around. However it is a really old and didnt work at all on my pc. I would just wait for the upcomming update if i were you.

Speaking of updates, the older version of Cataclysm that Deon linked to in this thread just crashed on me and corrupted my save. Crashed over and over again when I tried to load it.

PLEASE tell me the new version is more stable. It was extremely frustrating since I was doing very well at that point…

It would be nice if there was a quicksave option. Yes I know, quicksave in a roguelike is not looked upon kindly by the roguelike community, but I think it would be a good thing to at least have the option for it to be activated.

@DG123: there is an autosave feature that can be used, not sure if that’s what you are looking for exactly but it takes some of the nastiness out of getting into a suddenly bad situation. You’ll only have to backtrack to the last autosave instead of the last time you started playing :smiley:

Well I assume it was already autosaving because when the game crashed previously, I could load a game to a point slightly earlier, despite that I never saved myself.

But this time it just crashes if I try to load save.

So immensely annoying.

So I started again with a new character, and eventually died after a 170 zombie kill rampage with multiple firearms.

The new version is significantly more stable.

It’s still not completely bug free, but significantly more stable, yes.

Good to know. Speaking of new versions, how is the tileset compatibility coming along?

GalenEvil is working on it. Last I heard, he got it partially working on Linux.

CIB got that working for me :smiley: Most of what I need to do is re-add rotations and multitile support for non-wall items, get the various overlay items added as tiles (target among others), and rebase to the current mainline :smiley: I feel like most of my additions are decoupled from the main body of code so hopefully that last bit won’t take vary long to do

Soo… are we talking days, weeks or longer?

I’m currently off work for the week so it would be awesome if it was ready before that was over. I’m dying to try it out.

Also, a more important question…

If someone was to get really far in the game using the latest DDA version, would they be able to keep their save games and use them in the next version that is tileset compatible?

GlyphGryph has asked that I get it merged with the mainline by the weekend (Friday/Saturday I guess?). So the latest I think for putting it in the request for merge will be between Wednesday night and early Thursday afternoon to allow for testing and tweaks to be done.