Not sure if this is new. Broke my leg. I tried to use first aid and it says I need surgery. Suggested on the general forum to make a leg split. Did that. Didn’t seem to do anything but slow me down. went to sleep and waited 2 days and nothing happened. Is this how its supposed to work?
Someone suggested to use the eye injector in the hospital. I play this game quite a bit (but I tend to get careless and die so never made it to end game content). in my current game I cleared a hospital. no eye injector. Guessing its one of the terminals that sounds an alarm when I use it. My computer skills are not real high, but Ill try that next.
Not sure if this is working how you want it or not. I like the idea of broken bones though. Thanks for putting it in.
Hi, I believe I’m that someone. Splints were supposed to be in the nightlies but perhaps I missed something. Eye-injectors aren’t guaranteed in every hospital, either.
I think it might work in .6 but I believe its in the nightly. Also it takes A LONG time to work but once your legs are at 1 health you can heal them normally.