
Boats: we should have 'em. There should be more ways to cross a river than by swimming or using a bridge, and more ways to explore than going on a road trip.
Ideally, they would behave just like vehicles, so that we could install solar panels, boxes, etc, and make them our mobile bases. And just like land vehicles, we’d have variety - houseboats, speedboats, rowboats, canoes. Also, compatibility between auto parts and boat parts would be good (plutonium-powered speedboats?)
I’m no programmer, so I don’t know how hard this would be to implement. Can the vehicle code be modified to make boats, or would this be a ground-up issue for the devs?

Suggested and confirmed already. Even complete water bio mes are planed (oceans and archipielagos). Boats are possibly going to come at around the time Z levels enter the game and allow for a more proper river and water simulation, and Atomic Dryad, if i recall correctly, has already begun to work on biome generation which would ultimately result in things like the ocean and mountain ranges among others.

I want to see wharfs, ports, the sort of coast line stuff you see around that environment.

Maybe a seafood restaurant filled with the stench of rotting fish.

Perhaps a strange look to the zombies, a bit more fish-like. That Innsmouth look.

Perhaps an increased appearance of bizarre creatures from the sea… And golden idols, risen from the depths by strange and eldritch gods…

[quote=“TheGrifter, post:3, topic:4861”]Perhaps a strange look to the zombies, a bit more fish-like. That Innsmouth look.

Perhaps an increased appearance of bizarre creatures from the sea… And golden idols, risen from the depths by strange and eldritch gods…[/quote]

That’s the spirit! Cthulhu Fhtagn! Now, why won’t spellcheck recognize Fhtagn as a word? It recognizes Cthulhu…

Hastur Hastur Hastur.

That’s great news!