
Hello, Im new here and just wanted to say that the boat idea sounds great! maybe have Other boats operate like cars in water but take damage in shallow water? Just a suggestion of making a barge or even a luxurious yacht in the middle of the water. maybe also adding oceans/sea areas with islands? Just suggestions.

Ideas already said. 'Nuff said.

Yeah, boats have been kicked around for a While now. Current implementation will be moved to mainline at some point, but they’re not gonna get much better until we’ve got a solution for getting 'em under bridges.

But welcome to the forums anyway, George.

Way I see it, with proper Z-levels come proper under-bridge management.

Also, with proper oceans comes an actual reason to make/use a boat beyond “fuck it, this is something I haven’t tried yet”

[quote=“kilozombie, post:4, topic:6877”]Way I see it, with proper Z-levels come proper under-bridge management.

Also, with proper oceans comes an actual reason to make/use a boat beyond “fuck it, this is something I haven’t tried yet”[/quote]

Or “I don’t feel like going out of my way to use the bridge that’s 10 map tiles over, and I can’t swim this load over the river”.

Ah! To ride out the apocalypse upon a luxury yacht. A touch beyond mere subsistence, no? And it would give much needed jobs to swimmer zombies.

Remember: Support disadvantaged minorities.

Hey, don’t be that rude with Newb! Welcome to the forums.

It’s very possible that the boat idea will get better implemened at some point, but we still need to make some stuff first, like the bridges, mentioned above, so… we will have to wait!