Are those changes intentional?

Can not repair vehicle with bio tools anymore. Can not craft/read with atomic nightlight anymore.

SDL 2867

Bio tools now have on/off status. As far as I know they should start as active, but there may be some cases where it doesn’t happen.

Atomic nighlight should allow crafting and reading while you’re holding it, but not while it is at your feet.

then these are both bugs

edit: not the atomic light one, that’s just me being dumb

On 0.C-2874 atomic nightlight gives you enough light to craft and read even when it’s lying on the tile you’re standing on.

I can confirm it gives enough holding it or right on top of it.

It’s a nightlight, not a flashlight. If you’ve ever tried to read by candlelight you know it’s hard. It can strain the eyes, thus why you need to have it very near.

I don’t think it’s a bug that the nightlight can be used to read while it’s on the ground (you could just pick it up and use it).
It would be only a bug if you had to drop it before reading/crafting.