Is anyone here having a pharsing issue while installing the newer versions? It seems they changed the android vers. requirement maybe that’s what, but anyhow I’m stuck playing at .8 something version of the game. If someone can help me that’d be great.
Unfortunately, the 64 version will not even install on my phone. Haven’t been able to play for weeks. The withdrawals are getting fierce
Oddly, I can play the stable version fine. Is there a way to insert mods into the stable version? Can I take say Magiclysm and drop it into the mods folder and have it work?
And the answer appears to be no
Magiclysm requires you to update the game binary, it’s not just JSON (like most mods), but also makes code changes.
Just use playstore version. It is not updated daily for a reason.
I am quite aware of that. I have a toon that I have put a significant amount of time in and would like to continue playing it.
Just play it then on a version that you had before an update that does not work for you. You can check version number in config/debug.log and grab APK on github release page.
The issue is none of the versions work including the one I used before. Think it was **72 it will not even install now. Only the most recent maybe 10 releases will even install I tried all the way back to **45. The newest ones will install but when I try to hit back for the keyboard the game closes. I just got my pc up and running so I can at least play now but I really miss the portability. I appreciate the attempt to help tho. Just frustrated since my phone forced me to update even though I didn’t want to
Backup saves and install required version. Delete config folder. Resypre saves if necessary. It would work.
Last one that works for me without the back-closes-the-whole-app thing plus keyboard working correctly is 0.D-7000, which would be release 9500 I believe.
Try this
YES! Yes yessssssssssss! It worked. Thank you soooooo much! Amazing, weeks I have been trying to fix this. I must have down loaded 30 versions and no luck. Thank you again! Strange tho I swear I tried back to .**45 but no matter it works.
I know, it’s been a mess for me as well, I commute to work an hour back and forth everyday so it was my Cataclysm time…I had to scroll back through a lot of the releases to get to 9500 to get everything working again!
Glad it worked for you too
Does anyone have a clue how to stop the app from closing after hitting the “back” key? As of 9902 it closes on the second time back is hit but still makes using the virtual keyboard nearly impossible. Using an Honor Play, release 9902 32-bit with the Gboard virtual keyboard.
Edited : a typo
I have not read/heard of a fix beyond using build 9500 so far (linked a few posts above).
I’ve been using 9550 which works without the game closing on using the back button the 2nd time. I -think- that’s about the latest version that doesn’t experience the problem, give or take a build or two.
Vormithrax! Love your videos! I know about 9500, I posted it. Now the experimentals work perfectly for me apart from the back button. Oh well, back to the 9500 to go.
@Sediment , 9550 doesn’t even start for me heh
It is finally working for me now, everyone try the newest version.
Is the keyboard working properly again as well?
Annoying having to delete the last entry for ever command its a chore indeed.
It does work, but there’s an annoying bug which zooms out your screen after changing the game settings. Fixed only after restarting the app.
Yeah that’s been happening for a while, tucks the entire thing in the top left quadrant of my 1440p screen lol, that’s not as frustrating as the keyboard not going away after selecting a key