Android trait moved to profession

Talking on IRC last night, a decision was made to move the Android “trait” into a profession. Which led to adding CBMs to professions via the .json.

Professions now have access to CBMs as starting equipement, allowing even greater flexibility in making professions, and getting rid of the awful randomly-generated Android trait.

The only thing left for me to do is to have the CBMs displayed along with the items.

I am at work, so I can’t push to git. Later tonight I will be pushing this to git for all to marvel!

Is there hope for mutations moved to profession?

This was talked about. The conclusion was that mutations were more of a post-apocalyptic thing, whereas CBMs were definitely pre-apoc. I will look to see how difficult it is and I might add it anyway, for the sake of modding.

edit : and hey, maybe someone wants to RP and tree.

[quote=“Shoes, post:3, topic:3248”]This was talked about. The conclusion was that mutations were more of a post-apocalyptic thing, whereas CBMs were definitely pre-apoc. I will look to see how difficult it is and I might add it anyway, for the sake of modding.

edit : and hey, maybe someone wants to RP and tree.[/quote]

If mutations are more of a post-apocalyptic thing does this mean school-labs are going to get mutigen pulled from them? Thought it was fairly interesting finding Mutigen in labs and purifier in nurse’s offices. Made me think of kids cooking up a batch of mutigen and using it on classmates as a poor joke XD

I think that’s a bug… the shool lab probably has a spawn location that’s only supposed to appear in labs.

I think that’s a bug… the shool lab probably has a spawn location that’s only supposed to appear in labs.[/quote]

Damn, there goes that idea. XDD

Tell those damn kids to keep their tentacles to themselves and do their homework.

Nice passive-voice, Shoes. Who was involved in the decision?

I like this!

This opens so many new possibilities.

I was complaining about Android trait in IRC, and someone else was agreeing. GlyphGryph suggest I code it up. Someone else suggested against mutations being part of the professions.json.

Slightly less vague ;p

I think I may have been the first agreeing one. Not sure though, too vague.

+1 for this makes sense

Considering professions are intended to be the avenue that chooses the equipment your character starts with, and CBM’s are equipment it meshes better there than as a trait.

But what if the dude was a backpacker AND ALSO had a CBM before the apocalypse? I think it should stay as it is.

Why not meet halfway? Keep android (For going as a shower victim + android) and include some profession-specific ones? EG I’ve noticed dead miners with Hydraulic Muscles, Mini-Flamethrowers, Cranial Flashlights, and others?

That is a good idea! But if you want to be saw you should make a new post, since here it is almost dead.

…and what if he was also an acoholic?

The profession options can always be expanded, is my point.

I think it’s also a change to represent that not everyone would’ve had access to these things pre-apocalypse, considering in-game they’re often found either on military personnel or locked up in secure bases and labs.

If your character was just an avid backpacker before the happening, why was he walking around with laserbeam eyeballs or some other high-tech restricted implant?

If we’re trying to present a system that is totally free by design to create whatever kind of character you can imagine, it would make more sense to pull CBM’s out of traits and make them a seperate menu you can just throw points at and get a CBM from. Mutations too.

If we’re trying to promote more of a backing narrative and RPG story elements, it makes me sense to bundle CBM’s in professions that would’ve had them pre-happening. Soldiers and government agents, scientists and the like. Make a “bitter survivor” profession that represents a character who wasn’t able to make it to the shelter on time, starts with a mutation or two, some torn clothes, and nothing else.

In an ideal world, “CBM” would be its own tab in character creation, but that might give too much liberty and break immersion. However, a person having undergone surgery to be augmented with technology is in no way the same thing as being born ugly, or smelly, or with natural night vision. That’s the distinction I am making by moving CBMs to professions. Speaking with some distinguished devs, we would all like to see the random element disappear as well from the Android trait, so I might look into making a pop up window with some tame CBMs. Things like intergrated toolset or cranial light or internal storage. Utility oriented CBMs. Afterwards, someone could make a top level scientist profession who might have cerebral enhancements or something.

Also, if someone wants to mod themselves all the CBMs ofr -10 points, they can do that too :slight_smile:

Then you have a “cyborg backpacker” profession, and his cbms can be backpacker related! Internal Shower or something.

I got a wannabe mechanic with internal furnace and integrated toolset. That makes sense, doesn’t it?

Sounds like more than just a wannabe to me :x