Android trait moved to profession

I really want to be a Mechanic.

I KNOW! I’ll have dangerous surgery that may or may not destroy my internal organs and my hand!

i see nothing wrong with adding CBMs to professions, you can’t complain of someone having (Or not) having CBM’s take a look at DUES EX for example, only those who could afford them would have them, as far as im concerened future or not, no type of government would allow combat CBMs for civilians anyhow, so food for thought :stuck_out_tongue:

That way, senior citizens could’ve amassed quite a bit of implants, seen individually. Three stomachs, Cornea thingie, hips and elbows… so granpa can carry his lil’ grandchildren with no danger of a heartattack.
Either way - the retirement home is a harvest.

I dont see the problem abut having a terminator or robocop profession :stuck_out_tongue:
Jokes set aside a mercenary or any combat oriented profession could have weapon cbms.

This is a matter of fluff - are implants somthing civilians can and did have fitted regularly based on prefference, or was it controlled by licsence?

Considering that they’re even more limited access than firearms, I think that’s sort of been answered.

In the experimental build, CBMs are now part of professions. You can take a look at the few that I came up with, put up suggestions and what not.

Ideally, I would code up a choice for the user, like a utility worker could spawn with a toolkit OR hydraulic muscles OR cranial flashlight OR something else. Like how martial arts (used to?) work.

IIRC implants were things that were starting to become common, but hadn’t exactly reached the “significant portion of the population” state yet. IMO it was probably pretty similar to owning a gun in the present day, but not quite as common. You’d go in, fill out the registration paperwork, wait for approval, and then come in a few days later for the operation. It was starting to become more common though, and it was becoming easier and easier to get a CBM installed.

This one feels like CBM’s should almost be more like skills, but not. Purchased with creation points, probably reducing your available perk points pool (for the sake of some balance), but separate from perks and from professions. Their own creation section. Set them up so that they cost 1-3 points to make them fairly equivalent to the current android perk (averaging 4 points for two CBMs). Make it so that if you start with any CBM you automatically get the 10 power associated with the android perk.

Removes the random, your backpacker can still have some CBMs in. Dunno how you’d do this though, I assume that creating a whole new creation subsection would be a massive endeavor? Could put each CBM under perks, but that’d be ugly and ungainly and whatnot.

So, yeah, an idea but no easy way to implement it.

Personally, instead of professions I think that we should just be allowed to turn creation points into the same currency that you start survival mode with and have to buy all of our equipment or end up shower victims. Would open up a lot more strategic starts, clean up that enormous professions list, and save the time having to come up with a billion more.

That would certainly give you the most freedom, but it might also take away from the prestige in finding some of these items.

[quote=“Shoes, post:27, topic:3248”]In the experimental build, CBMs are now part of professions. You can take a look at the few that I came up with, put up suggestions and what not.

Ideally, I would code up a choice for the user, like a utility worker could spawn with a toolkit OR hydraulic muscles OR cranial flashlight OR something else. Like how martial arts (used to?) work.[/quote]

I like the bionic professions a lot. Alas, I am now playing an older build because today’s build has weird formatting (doubled %% everywhere)